Sorry about the lapse of posting, but we have work coming out of our ears right now! That, plus the hospital visits, plus hockey (playoffs are starting, yippee!!)…it’s rock ‘n roll! I do make sure I give you your clicks in Blogit, even if I don’t comment sometimes. It’s a nice break. When the numbers become so jumbled inside my head I sneak a few moments and read a couple of blogs…it helps.
Last Saturday was the 6th wedding anniversary of my son’s marriage to Yoshiko. The wedding took place in Japan. This year we are worrying about Yoshiko’s parents and family over there, where the aftershocks don’t seem to quit.
To celebrate (the anniversary, not the aftershocks), my daughter held her first family supper in her new home. It was nice, although my youngest son, his lady, and his three boys were not able to make it. My brother came with me so we didn’t stay too late. He’s a Toronto fan, and there was some friendly sparring as we listened to the game blaring from the car radio on the way back.
I watched as he negotiated the stairs leading up to his apartment. He has to stop more than once to catch his breath. We’ve talked about it, but he doesn’t want to move, not that he’s in shape to do so at the moment anyway. One good piece of news – the hospital called and the appointment with the anesthetist has been advanced to tomorrow instead of April 25th.
With all this going on, I’m not paying much attention to the political race. I was too damned tired to listen to the debate last night, but am sure it will be all over the news this morning. The posturing gets to me sometimes. I still think Recall should be made possible throughout the country. Maybe then the candidates would be more careful about making promises they know they can’t keep.
The snow is finally beginning to melt in the bush. One can see spots of dirty, wet grass in the areas where the sun shines most of the day. My lane is full of muck – my kitchen floor is sporting Grump-puppy footprints – its usual spring decoration until things dry out. A fastidious housekeeper would NOT be happy living here.
Last night, just before dark, Grump and I stood on the gallery and admired wave after wave of Canadian Geese flying over. My heart was soaring up there with them; it was just so awesome! When the last one disappeared over the trees, we danced a little jig together, chanting “Here come the Spring, here come the Spring…” It’s okay – the neighbors can’t see me…not that it would matter. We were just too happy, and needed to express it. What better way than to sing and dance?
I’ve been up since 4 AM, finished up my laundry and washing the dishes, did some updating in the work agenda, and now it’s time to prepare for the commute to the office. I was hoping to see the sunrise, but there was just a pink line in the sky; a promise of color before the clouds covered it over. I don’t mind the rain predicted for today; it will melt the rest of the snow.
The hockey playoffs begin tonight. There will be e-mail flying back and forth with Sam444 during the Wings’ game and hopefully Grump and I will be dancing for the win. Life is good, and I’m SMILING! Sending you a whole bundle of them – hope it brightens your day!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
TAO, quel colosse. Est-ce le tocson de ton fils JOE?. Il semble que le bon temps de la business soit revenu. Good for you. Make hay while the sun shines.
PS/playoff game between CH & Boston is on Thursday night. Désolé d'avoir casser ton fun. Where does your daughter live now? J'ai l'impression que le plus gros de ta journée se fait entre 4h et 6h du matin. Je devrais essayer çà.
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