Sunshine!! The wonderful, crimson ball rose to the chorus of tweets and warbles of our little feathered friends. Grump and I stood on the gallery, enjoying the awesome scene and the cheerful music, and the hot, sweet taste of the first coffee on this splendid morning. I bet there will be smiles on more than one face today; nice weather tends to change our attitudes, doesn’t it? My friend, Kilroy, will be able to take his walk in the outdoors he so enjoys – and drivers will be a little more courteous during the rush hour.
I arrived late from the office last night, then watched the hockey games, of course, so needed to get downstairs and clean up the mess left by my neighbor, and the plumber who finished up the repairs early yesterday morning. My daughter had called to warn me that my grandson is coming home today. He has been laid off - usual for this time of year - and the bathroom was a jumble of broken gypsum and pieces of discarded pipe. It looks terrible with gaping holes in the ceiling, but at least it’s clean and serviceable now. I know a doggie that is going to be ecstatic – his days won’t be so long waiting on mistress. He’ll have Fred to spoil him.
The limit date for tax remittance is looming, and we still have so much to do at the office! Family and friends are showing up here on Saturday for our Easter supper; I have a date to babysit my 3 rug rats on Friday night…I’m really not sure where I’ll find time for it all…but it always seems to work out. Hopefully we’ll have to fit in an appointment at the hospital for my brother too; this waiting is not good. His health is deteriorating day by day and his morale too. Our health system, paid for by the citizens but run by politicians, one as incompetent as the other, leaves much to be desired!
And that’s enough growling. The day is too pretty to be spoiled by complaints. Now it’s shower, dress, do whatever I can with this face, then off to the city to immerse myself in paper and numbers and explanations. We rock and roll, and we do it with a SMILE!! Life is good.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
I read your blog very early this morning, I did not comment at that time because I was rushing to catch the medicar. You are a very lucky person to be so busy and the health to do all those things that you undertake. Praise the Lord. The thing to do is to burn midnight oil which is what you are doing now....Pour in more oil.(LOL). Do not despair for a room for your bro.....I know it takes time...Vote for Gilles Duceppe. Me Kilroy.xxx
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