I needed the sun to shine today, but it’s not there. I guess I’ll fall back on what I would tell my children when they would fret about the rain, keeping them from playing outdoors. “The birdies have to drink too,” I would say. I think it was a 10 year old Bow who, tired of hearing the repeated reason, grumbled that he would be happy to pour them a glass of water from the kitchen tap, LOL.
I’ve been working some from home…since I got out of bed at 4 AM…but am finding it difficult to focus on anything for long. Our appointment with the cancer specialists, where we are to learn the results and treatment schedule for my brother, is at 1:00 this afternoon. He hasn’t really been up to par these past few days – not sleeping much, low morale, and I can imagine how long he must find the nights alone in his apartment. Last week he had warned the CLSC, the home care service prescribed by the doctor, that he would be away Tuesday. In parity with the confusion that seems to reign lately, they called to say they would be stopping by, at exactly the time we’ll be in the city. It’s easily corrected, but still aggravating when one is already uptight. It was the same thing while he was in the hospital; you have to wonder if they are even listening to you, or relay information to each other. Everything has to be stated over and over again. A little scary when you realize that these are the people supposed to be taking care of you.
I’m sure Bird will be as happy as I am to finally know what’s what; a plan of action can be discussed instead of just sitting around waiting. It’s accepted that there will be rough times ahead, but let’s get on with it. …and I’ll probably regret my impatience later.
Last night I kept an eye on the Hawks/Rangers game while answering numerous calls about income tax. There was a screw-up with the program we use at the office, and Line, who is responsible for the project, is devastated that she didn’t catch it before handing them in. The government immediately returned them to the clients with ‘error’ written all over the forms. Talk about panic! The program is to be repaired this morning, but the poor girl will have to do each report over again, plus calm those people who were unable to reach me during the evening. She’s in for a heavy day. Not fun.
After fielding the barrage of complaints, it was refreshing to hear Karen’s voice from away out there in Saskatoon. We chatted for a couple of hours, and I was laughing when I finally hung up the phone. It’s amazing how chatting with a good friend can improve my mood!!
It’s similar to what happens when we write our feelings out; it releases all that heavy stuff from our system, we can pick up where we left off, and we do it with a SMILE. Mine is winging its way towards you – and there’s a giggle included – hope it improves your day!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Koolcat tu me surprends tout le temps. Je comprend le pourquoi de ton surnom "KOOLCAT". Avec tout ce qui t’arrive, moi je serais sur le gros nerf. Tant mieux que tu puisses tout prendre du bon côté Let me know about your bro. Hang in there . Je ne suis pas certain que tu racontes tout. me xxx
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