Grump...not a happy doggie
Finally! The laptop is returned to its box and ‘for emergency only’ status, and there is a decent, new-used desk top computer flexing its muscles in my home office. The turbulent weather is screwing up the satellite, and keeping the machine from showing its full potential, but I have full confidence that we shall get along just fine! AND it has speakers now too – so let the music play!! And let this lady remember to do backups…just in case.
Today, at 5:00 PM, the bank deposited the money in my account. I will take the necessary steps tomorrow to transfer it to my Company, and it will be with great pleasure that I distribute delayed pay cheques to the employees…. myself included! A couple of my clients also showed up at the office and paid their invoices, so things are looking up!
More good news – Grump is beginning to eat again. I’ve been practically force feeding him since Bud’s passing; he was that depressed. The long walks at night help too, I’m sure….and the extra cuddles.
You see, Grump was more my friend’s dog than mine. He was already having some difficulty in accepting the disappearance of his master; he seemed to be still looking for him with every car that drove nearby. It’s no wonder that the second loss knocked him for a loop, poor thing. We’ve had to console each other now, and I think he has come to realize that I need him as much as he needs me. We have grown much closer in the past 2 weeks and, because Bud is not there to steal the show, I am beginning to discover qualities in this younger pit that I had never noticed…or maybe I was just not paying so much attention. Bud filled such a huge chunk of my heart, and Grump was forever the obedient follower. I have begun to appreciate his solid but unassuming character and his sense of play. As Pat_B commented, we are s l o w l y getting back to normal.
It looks like my Demons have returned – snow is falling and falling and I’m delighted! If we are going to have winter, let it be a real winter!! It was beautiful walking outside last night. I couldn’t resist pulling out my toboggan and going for a scoot down my driveway hill. Grump got a little excited in his chasing, and we ended up head-over-tea-kettle when we reached the bottom, LOL! I won’t dare mention it to my kids, but both of us were limping slightly as we gasped our way back up to the house. Nothing the Jacuzzi couldn’t fix for me, and Grump was no worse for wear within the hour, so all is well.
We are entering tax season, and hopefully it will be so busy that I’ll be complaining by the end of April. I intend to do my best to write at least a short post each day, no matter how many hours I work, but we all know how that can turn out! I do promise (and this especially for Karen) that I’ll do my best to come in and make a little noise, no matter what my mood. At least now that my windows are safe. My laptop came SOOO close to being hurled through them on more than one occasion!
Wishing you all sweet dreams, folks, and hoping the huge SMILE I am cyber-spacing out to you will help them along!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
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