Sunday, November 9, 2014


Snow! I am one of the few who still really loves that cold, slippery, beautiful white stuff. I stood, sipping my first coffee and gazing through the window during the wee hours, watching Grump as he buried his nose, searching out the best spot for his needs. I could feel Bandit weaving around my legs, his purring just slightly louder than the crackling of the kindling in the fireplace. ‘The world is aglow’, I said to him. He rubbed his head against me, maybe not really agreeing. I noticed he did a kind of high-step dance when he made his way across the gallery to come inside last night, and he didn’t seem so anxious to follow Grump through the door this morning.

Grump was back, and I felt the chill of crisp, winter air enter with him. I hummed Frosty the Snowman as I prepared breakfast for them both, singing the words in whispers when I set their dishes down. My friend was still sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake him. I relish the quiet of these early morning hours spent with my pets. They dug into their food enthusiastically; Grump gobbling, and Bandit far daintier. They were so content in this moment, and that emotion prevailed in our softly lit kitchen. We were warm, our bellies full; happy in our little cocoon, surrounded by the silence of Nature’s awesome white blanket.

Yes, I am very aware that in this world there is strife and war and pain; I don’t wear rose-colored glasses. However, I am a firm believer in appreciating those perfect moments – the ones where you know all those you love are safe and sound and at peace – and the arrival of snow enhances those moments for me somehow. Maybe it’s memories of other winters, growing up on the farm. Who knows?

Whatever it is, I’ll take it, and I’ll greet it with a huge, warm SMILE!! I’m brushing the icicles away and sending it on to y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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