Thursday, August 7, 2014


The worst case of insomnia I have had in years, with an average of 3 hours sleep per day...UGH! By the time my Rug rats showed up for their weekend stay, I was a walking zombie. Fortunately they are older now, and were kept amused by Grump and Toolie, the new cat. Bandit peeked around the corner of my bedroom door, saw all the little humans running around, and went into hiding for the duration of the visit, LOL.

I did enjoy having the boys, and they were excited to sleep over in their former bedroom, but I wish I’d had more energy to play with them instead of just sitting on the gallery watching them climb my rock walls...
“Tao – be careful – that’s high – you could fall!”
“Don’t worry Mémère. If I fall I’ll just get back up again.”

...race Grump up and down the hill on a ball chase, roll in the grass with Toolie...
“Where do you guys get all that energy, Bali?”
“What’s mergy, Mémère?”
“The running and running but not getting tired.”
“Oh. Don’t know. Ice cream, I guess.”

They left on Sunday afternoon, and I finally got 6 hours of straight sleep that night, and woke up feeling like a Wonder Woman, keeping my fingers crossed that I was over the hump. Nope. The following days were more of the same...3 hours and wide awake. Grump enjoyed it – from pure frustration we were outside walking at 4:30 AM, there was plenty time spent with Mistress before she would leave for work.

I guess it’s from being used to my condition and years of job experience that I can function at all in the office. The scariest part is the driving to and from the city; that’s when I really feel the need to nod off. More than once I’ve been forced to pull over and walk around for a few minutes to keep from snoozing behind the wheel.

I suppose I’ll give in to my children’s entreaties and see a doctor for help. I hate the thought of taking medication – my mom lived on that stuff and I really don’t want to go down that road. In the meantime, and in another effort to avoid such a fate, I decided to take some time owing, relax a couple of days alone at home, and see if I can’t chase that elusive Morpheus down. That bugger has lots to answer for – he’s definitely slacking in my case!

I’ve been up wandering dozily around for a few hours already, and Bandit is comfortably curled up in my bed, so I’ll mosey back in there and try counting some sheep. Or maybe not. One of them always stumbles and gets caught in the fence...very distracting when monotony is needed.

There’s no energy needed to SMILE though – that comes automatically – so will share one with you as I go...hoping it adds to y our day!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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