The birthday party went well on Saturday. I had hardly slept the night before, so I came home immediately after the little ones opened their tons of gifts. The doggies and I went out for a walk in the rain – they chased their squeaky balls for a short while, but were quite willing to come inside when the wind picked up. It was cool and humid in the house, so I started a small fire in the kitchen stove, and we lazed around it for what was left of the afternoon. Continual lack of sleep had sapped my energy; I was too tired to do anything useful, but was still unable to snooze. It turned out to be a ‘biding time’ day.
My daughter showed up around midnight – she had been to a second birthday party for an adult friend and was sleeping over. This morning we were all up at 5 AM, because my grandson was returning to work in Alberta, and my daughter was driving him to the airport. He’ll be gone for a 28 day stint before coming back home. I really didn’t see much of him during this long break; he’s in the throes of first love, so therefore quite useless for anything else, LOL. His mom and I sat and discussed it – we can both remember how it is but, at the same time, are hoping that he’ll be a little more down to earth when he comes back for his days off. He did, however, send her a poignant message on his first sky diving experience last week. The activity was videotaped, and just before his jump, when the instructor jokingly asked him if he had any last words, Fred grinned into the camera and said “I love my mother.” What does that do to a mom’s heart?
Today I spent cooking. I had a new recipe for meatloaf with salsa that I wanted to try, and some strawberries I had bought on sale, which turned out to be only good for shortcake. I loaded most of it into my truck and brought it to the rug rats. The meat and rice were still warm when I got there, so my son was saved from making supper. I warned him that they were guinea pigs, testing a new recipe; he laughed and called back to say it was all very good.
Once again, the rest of the day was spent walking with the dogs. Rather, they played outside while I sat listless and watched. I held off going to bed for as long as I could, but finally gave in around 8:30. A couple of hours sleep and awake again, exactly what I knew would happen! I’m overdue for that part of my usual routine which allows me to sleep 3 or 4 nights of 8 to 10 hours before the insomnia hits again. Because of their shift changes, my son and his lady won’t need me to stay with the rug rats for the next two weeks, and hopefully my snoozing part will happen during this period.
It’s just after 3 AM now, and I can feel my eyes drooping, so will head back to my room and see if Morpheus is waiting there. His presence will be most welcome!
If you catch someone in your dreams who is SMILING sleepily at you, that would be me!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
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