Last night was outstanding!! I actually slept through from 9:30 PM to 5:30 AM – a whole eight hours! I was hoping it was the beginning of my ‘snooze catch-up’ cycle but no – tonight I was allowed a couple of hours with Morpheus, then wide-eyed again. Damn! Fortunately my grunge work can be done anytime really, but there’s the phones during the day....clients are awake and I’m dozy. That’s not so good.
The doggies, of course, adapt without complaint to whatever schedule I keep, and with Fred away, I can do laundry or pass the vacuum at 4 AM if the notion grabs me. And how damned boring is a life when the main subject of conversation is sleeping habits?? Enough of that then!
I’m proud of my Smooch. I have not found a puddle in the house since the night he was so sick. That’s very good for a pit!! He’s also staying in the yard. Tonight Grump and I decided to come inside while Smooch was still at the bottom of the hill playing with his ball. “We’ll see how long it takes him to follow us,” I said to my older and wiser Grump. Within minutes Smooch was at the door, still carrying the ball. He stood waiting for me to let him in, and was quite happy to accept the praise and pats as he pranced past us.
I put the leash on the pup once or twice a day and let him walk around with it; a way of getting him used to the weight and to keep him from fighting it, which he was determined to do. The dogs were playing together, and the leash got caught in the curled legs of a small round table which stands beside the couches. I was working in the dining room, not really paying attention, when I heard a crash. I looked up, but by this time a very frightened Smooch was off and running, dragging the table behind him. He was trying to get away from the noise, but the noise was following him...and what a racket it was! The table bounced off the walls of the narrow hallway, across the tiled bathroom floor, then skidded across the wood floors in the bedroom, where poor Smooch ran to take refuge. Then silence.
Grump and I, both of us running behind, found a cringing pup hiding on the other side of the bed, the topless table wedged on the bedpost but still wrapped up in the leash, its top having separated and rolled a few feet away, the small screws which had popped out were spread all over. The expression on the pup’s face was hilarious!! I was laughing so hard that it took me a minute to disentangle the leash and set things right. Since that episode, although Smooch still insists on carrying the leash in his mouth, he’ll walk from room to room without tugging on it as he was doing before. That’s what one would call self-training, LOL!
For some of us, pets are a boon. No matter how bad things get around me, all I have to do is hug one of my doggies and I feel better. There is not one day goes by that either or both of them will do something to make me SMILE, if not laugh outright.
Sending those SMILES out to y’all – these ones have originated from man’s (in this case, woman’s) best friends!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
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