If it is true that difficult moments are to be treated as ‘learning experience’, my intelligence must have gone up a couple of notches this week...unless I’m like my daughter who affirms that “What I have learned so far is that I never learn anything!”
When I moved my office home, the telephone company informed me that I could not keep the same business number because I was changing areas, but did offer to transfer any calls to the one I used at my residence, which would now be treated as a commercial number....at commercial rates, of course. It has only been six months, and I have called them several times to complain about the package I received. Finally, in exasperation, I asked to have my service switched back to residential, and was told that I could do nothing about it until July, at which date the contract would expire. During my last conversation with a representative there, she made mention that I had to pay my bill, or the service would be suspended. I knew the account had been paid, and after arguing back and forth for a while, we discovered that my online payments had been applied to my now non-existent residential account instead of the new business account. Although the phone number itself had not changed, the account numbers did. I hadn’t paid attention, so was still using the old account number when making the payments. The rep gave me the fax number, and I sent her the proof of online payments. In my mind, the problem had been resolved. This happened at the beginning of May.
Yesterday morning I woke up to a dead telephone. I contacted the company to be told it had been suspended for non-payment. ARRRGH! Another representative, more time lost explaining again what had happened, all the time stressing that this is a BUSINESS and the service was important, once again sending the proof of payment by fax.....and I am told that, sorry – I had paid into residential which is a different department than commercial (although the same damned company!!!), so within 2 to 4 weeks the residential department would send me a cheque to reimburse me, and in the meantime I would have to pay the $1000.00 already paid if I wanted my business phone reconnected. Impossible, I replied. I don’t have it – you’ve got my money – I want my phone back – do an inter-department thing – this was supposed to have been taken care of over a month ago! The result is that, once again, someone was to look into it and get back to me – which still has not happened – and the phone is still not working.
So – what do you think? Is this proof that we’re never too old to learn? One thing for sure, it had given me lots to write about, and writing gets it off my chest.
Now, more relaxed, I’m going to go hug my doggies and take them out for an early morning romp among the trees. It’s a sure-fire way to bring out my SMILE. Sharing with you, folks!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Last night was outstanding!! I actually slept through from 9:30 PM to 5:30 AM – a whole eight hours! I was hoping it was the beginning of my ‘snooze catch-up’ cycle but no – tonight I was allowed a couple of hours with Morpheus, then wide-eyed again. Damn! Fortunately my grunge work can be done anytime really, but there’s the phones during the day....clients are awake and I’m dozy. That’s not so good.
The doggies, of course, adapt without complaint to whatever schedule I keep, and with Fred away, I can do laundry or pass the vacuum at 4 AM if the notion grabs me. And how damned boring is a life when the main subject of conversation is sleeping habits?? Enough of that then!
I’m proud of my Smooch. I have not found a puddle in the house since the night he was so sick. That’s very good for a pit!! He’s also staying in the yard. Tonight Grump and I decided to come inside while Smooch was still at the bottom of the hill playing with his ball. “We’ll see how long it takes him to follow us,” I said to my older and wiser Grump. Within minutes Smooch was at the door, still carrying the ball. He stood waiting for me to let him in, and was quite happy to accept the praise and pats as he pranced past us.
I put the leash on the pup once or twice a day and let him walk around with it; a way of getting him used to the weight and to keep him from fighting it, which he was determined to do. The dogs were playing together, and the leash got caught in the curled legs of a small round table which stands beside the couches. I was working in the dining room, not really paying attention, when I heard a crash. I looked up, but by this time a very frightened Smooch was off and running, dragging the table behind him. He was trying to get away from the noise, but the noise was following him...and what a racket it was! The table bounced off the walls of the narrow hallway, across the tiled bathroom floor, then skidded across the wood floors in the bedroom, where poor Smooch ran to take refuge. Then silence.
Grump and I, both of us running behind, found a cringing pup hiding on the other side of the bed, the topless table wedged on the bedpost but still wrapped up in the leash, its top having separated and rolled a few feet away, the small screws which had popped out were spread all over. The expression on the pup’s face was hilarious!! I was laughing so hard that it took me a minute to disentangle the leash and set things right. Since that episode, although Smooch still insists on carrying the leash in his mouth, he’ll walk from room to room without tugging on it as he was doing before. That’s what one would call self-training, LOL!
For some of us, pets are a boon. No matter how bad things get around me, all I have to do is hug one of my doggies and I feel better. There is not one day goes by that either or both of them will do something to make me SMILE, if not laugh outright.
Sending those SMILES out to y’all – these ones have originated from man’s (in this case, woman’s) best friends!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Monday, June 4, 2012

The birthday party went well on Saturday. I had hardly slept the night before, so I came home immediately after the little ones opened their tons of gifts. The doggies and I went out for a walk in the rain – they chased their squeaky balls for a short while, but were quite willing to come inside when the wind picked up. It was cool and humid in the house, so I started a small fire in the kitchen stove, and we lazed around it for what was left of the afternoon. Continual lack of sleep had sapped my energy; I was too tired to do anything useful, but was still unable to snooze. It turned out to be a ‘biding time’ day.
My daughter showed up around midnight – she had been to a second birthday party for an adult friend and was sleeping over. This morning we were all up at 5 AM, because my grandson was returning to work in Alberta, and my daughter was driving him to the airport. He’ll be gone for a 28 day stint before coming back home. I really didn’t see much of him during this long break; he’s in the throes of first love, so therefore quite useless for anything else, LOL. His mom and I sat and discussed it – we can both remember how it is but, at the same time, are hoping that he’ll be a little more down to earth when he comes back for his days off. He did, however, send her a poignant message on his first sky diving experience last week. The activity was videotaped, and just before his jump, when the instructor jokingly asked him if he had any last words, Fred grinned into the camera and said “I love my mother.” What does that do to a mom’s heart?
Today I spent cooking. I had a new recipe for meatloaf with salsa that I wanted to try, and some strawberries I had bought on sale, which turned out to be only good for shortcake. I loaded most of it into my truck and brought it to the rug rats. The meat and rice were still warm when I got there, so my son was saved from making supper. I warned him that they were guinea pigs, testing a new recipe; he laughed and called back to say it was all very good.
Once again, the rest of the day was spent walking with the dogs. Rather, they played outside while I sat listless and watched. I held off going to bed for as long as I could, but finally gave in around 8:30. A couple of hours sleep and awake again, exactly what I knew would happen! I’m overdue for that part of my usual routine which allows me to sleep 3 or 4 nights of 8 to 10 hours before the insomnia hits again. Because of their shift changes, my son and his lady won’t need me to stay with the rug rats for the next two weeks, and hopefully my snoozing part will happen during this period.
It’s just after 3 AM now, and I can feel my eyes drooping, so will head back to my room and see if Morpheus is waiting there. His presence will be most welcome!
If you catch someone in your dreams who is SMILING sleepily at you, that would be me!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Home from the hospital - being spoiled just a little bit...
Good grief!! I strongly suspect that I have discovered what Smooch ate to make him so sick, and I think that poor doggie is lucky to still be alive! Mouse & rat poison!!! I have some out for the field mice that invade the house on occasion. It’s stashed high up in the cupboards where the dogs can’t reach it. However, the very same night that Smooch was so sick, an elderly friend had been adding a small unit to the cabinets. I warned him that the puppy would eat anything, but...he’s not used to puppies, and may not have paid enough attention. It was when I went to replace the box yesterday morning that I noticed the old one was completely gone. I can picture it: the box was in the way where the worker added the shelves, so he removed it and, concentrating on getting the job done, set the box on the floor for a moment. Puppies are curious, and very quick. Although Smooch was outside most of the time the renovation was going on, he would have come in whenever the door would be opened, and the worker went on several forays to his truck for tools or materials. Being in the office most of the afternoon, I wasn’t paying enough attention either, and I had totally forgotten about that poison!
Ah well, lesson learned, and Smooch is doing fine now. He is as tall as Grump, and very, very fast. On our early morning walk the other day he caught a chipmunk (sorry, Kabu!), which is something Grump never has been able to do. By the time I realized what had happened, it was too late for the poor little creature. When I did manage to get it away from the pup, I wrapped little Chippy in a cloth and gave it a decent burial. It’s difficult for Smooch to understand why he is being scolded for his action; that is, after all, how the breed got its name. The dogs would be thrown into a pit full of rats, bets were laid, and whichever dog killed the most rodents would win his idiot owner the purse. My, oh my – men have much to atone for when the Day of Reckoning arrives!!
Although quite good about coming when called, and staying in the yard when outside, Smooch has a problem with visitors. He jumps up, and because he is so big, his front paws land on most people’s chests. Only when shown the broom...in advance, during, and even after the person has entered and sat down...will he desist. And that’s as long as he can SEE the broom. If I put it away, he immediately starts over again. None of the training methods researched has been successful in curbing him of this disagreeable habit yet. Little puppies may get away with it as being cute. With big puppies, although they too are only playing, it is very bothersome! Any suggestions from dog lover readers would be welcome – except for advising patience. That one I already have down pat...most of the time.
Other than this one thing, Smooch is a lovable and obedient puppy. His sense of play, his expressions, his cuddles – there is never a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh at one or another of his antics. Grump is teaching him well, but his own character is emerging too, and even if he’ll never be as submissive as Grump, one can already tell that he is a good dog.
What do you think? Surrounded by puppies and rug rats, how can a person NOT SMILE??
Sharing those SMILES with y’all – speeding towards you through cyber space as you read.....
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Good grief!! I strongly suspect that I have discovered what Smooch ate to make him so sick, and I think that poor doggie is lucky to still be alive! Mouse & rat poison!!! I have some out for the field mice that invade the house on occasion. It’s stashed high up in the cupboards where the dogs can’t reach it. However, the very same night that Smooch was so sick, an elderly friend had been adding a small unit to the cabinets. I warned him that the puppy would eat anything, but...he’s not used to puppies, and may not have paid enough attention. It was when I went to replace the box yesterday morning that I noticed the old one was completely gone. I can picture it: the box was in the way where the worker added the shelves, so he removed it and, concentrating on getting the job done, set the box on the floor for a moment. Puppies are curious, and very quick. Although Smooch was outside most of the time the renovation was going on, he would have come in whenever the door would be opened, and the worker went on several forays to his truck for tools or materials. Being in the office most of the afternoon, I wasn’t paying enough attention either, and I had totally forgotten about that poison!
Ah well, lesson learned, and Smooch is doing fine now. He is as tall as Grump, and very, very fast. On our early morning walk the other day he caught a chipmunk (sorry, Kabu!), which is something Grump never has been able to do. By the time I realized what had happened, it was too late for the poor little creature. When I did manage to get it away from the pup, I wrapped little Chippy in a cloth and gave it a decent burial. It’s difficult for Smooch to understand why he is being scolded for his action; that is, after all, how the breed got its name. The dogs would be thrown into a pit full of rats, bets were laid, and whichever dog killed the most rodents would win his idiot owner the purse. My, oh my – men have much to atone for when the Day of Reckoning arrives!!
Although quite good about coming when called, and staying in the yard when outside, Smooch has a problem with visitors. He jumps up, and because he is so big, his front paws land on most people’s chests. Only when shown the broom...in advance, during, and even after the person has entered and sat down...will he desist. And that’s as long as he can SEE the broom. If I put it away, he immediately starts over again. None of the training methods researched has been successful in curbing him of this disagreeable habit yet. Little puppies may get away with it as being cute. With big puppies, although they too are only playing, it is very bothersome! Any suggestions from dog lover readers would be welcome – except for advising patience. That one I already have down pat...most of the time.
Other than this one thing, Smooch is a lovable and obedient puppy. His sense of play, his expressions, his cuddles – there is never a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh at one or another of his antics. Grump is teaching him well, but his own character is emerging too, and even if he’ll never be as submissive as Grump, one can already tell that he is a good dog.
What do you think? Surrounded by puppies and rug rats, how can a person NOT SMILE??
Sharing those SMILES with y’all – speeding towards you through cyber space as you read.....
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
My 3 rug rats - love those faces!!!
3 AM – and wide awake. My sleeping habits are becoming more and more erratic. One improvement though, is that when I DO sleep, it is deep. It very rarely lasts more than 4 hours at a time, but at least I feel rested when I get up. The doggies love it – fits their agenda fine.
Tomorrow we are celebrating 2 of my 3 rug rats’ birthdays. The youngest will be two years old in a couple of days, and the second youngest is turning five. He went to visit his kindergarten last week, and told me all about it. He can’t wait to start – a good sign!
I’ve been staying at odd hours with the boys twice to three times per week while mom and dad are working shifts. We’ve become much closer, but there is sure to be ups and downs by seeing each other so often. M’mère used to just show up now and then , bringing goodies and giving attention and cuddles during her short visits; excelling in the ‘spoiling’ for which grandparents are renown. All of a sudden she has become a ‘parent’, and that involves a change of attitude for all.
There is a multitude of expressions that will cross a child’s face when scolding comes from an unexpected quarter! Often I have to turn my face away so that they don’t catch me grinning at the widened eyes, and the little mouths forming a perfect “O”. I thought they were on to me, but the oldest, Nalou, said something the other day that changed my thinking.
The tornado warning had forced me to reschedule my trip to visit clients in the city. On the day that I did go, I was to be with the boys for 5 PM. Very aware of possible traffic delays, I asked my daughter to fill in for me until I got back; a wise decision, because I didn’t get home until 7:30. When their dad told the boys that M’Mère was going to be late, and that it was ‘Auntie Shan’ who would stay with them in the meantime, the oldest, Nalou, answered “Yippee! We get to do exactly what we want!”
Daddy laughed, Auntie Shan snorted, but admitted it was true, and even if I thought it was hilarious, I was also happy that they are taking me seriously. It will be much easier on my patience during the summer months, when school is out, daycare closed, and the hours spent together will be longer. Although I love the rug rats dearly, and now would miss them terribly if I didn’t stay with them so often, they can wear one down, especially after a day of work.
I was questioning my lack of patience the other day after giving Nalou a particular strong scolding; he was being very obstinate about doing something I knew he wasn’t allowed to do. I could hear my voice get louder and, finally, in exasperation, I did the ultimate, and threatened him with a spanking. We both went silent. Feeling totally awful, I crouched down to him and said, “Do you see what you are doing? You know you are not allowed, and you are insisting even if you know M’mère won’t let you do it, no matter how much you insist. And now M’mère has to scold you, and she doesn’t like having to do that!”
This very sweet young man looked down at the floor, then back up at me, and with a glimmer of a smile answered, “But I know even if you do scold me you still love me anyway.” Oh yes, that merited a huge hug!!
The party tomorrow (umm...later) starts at 10 AM. Daddy was planning on having a BBQ for all, and the weather is not cooperating. It’s pouring outside now, and won’t let up until Monday. Who cares? The whole family and many friends will be there, the house will be filled with excited, running rug rats, and we’ll all be SMILING!!
Sending one your way – hope it helps your day!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
3 AM – and wide awake. My sleeping habits are becoming more and more erratic. One improvement though, is that when I DO sleep, it is deep. It very rarely lasts more than 4 hours at a time, but at least I feel rested when I get up. The doggies love it – fits their agenda fine.
Tomorrow we are celebrating 2 of my 3 rug rats’ birthdays. The youngest will be two years old in a couple of days, and the second youngest is turning five. He went to visit his kindergarten last week, and told me all about it. He can’t wait to start – a good sign!
I’ve been staying at odd hours with the boys twice to three times per week while mom and dad are working shifts. We’ve become much closer, but there is sure to be ups and downs by seeing each other so often. M’mère used to just show up now and then , bringing goodies and giving attention and cuddles during her short visits; excelling in the ‘spoiling’ for which grandparents are renown. All of a sudden she has become a ‘parent’, and that involves a change of attitude for all.
There is a multitude of expressions that will cross a child’s face when scolding comes from an unexpected quarter! Often I have to turn my face away so that they don’t catch me grinning at the widened eyes, and the little mouths forming a perfect “O”. I thought they were on to me, but the oldest, Nalou, said something the other day that changed my thinking.
The tornado warning had forced me to reschedule my trip to visit clients in the city. On the day that I did go, I was to be with the boys for 5 PM. Very aware of possible traffic delays, I asked my daughter to fill in for me until I got back; a wise decision, because I didn’t get home until 7:30. When their dad told the boys that M’Mère was going to be late, and that it was ‘Auntie Shan’ who would stay with them in the meantime, the oldest, Nalou, answered “Yippee! We get to do exactly what we want!”
Daddy laughed, Auntie Shan snorted, but admitted it was true, and even if I thought it was hilarious, I was also happy that they are taking me seriously. It will be much easier on my patience during the summer months, when school is out, daycare closed, and the hours spent together will be longer. Although I love the rug rats dearly, and now would miss them terribly if I didn’t stay with them so often, they can wear one down, especially after a day of work.
I was questioning my lack of patience the other day after giving Nalou a particular strong scolding; he was being very obstinate about doing something I knew he wasn’t allowed to do. I could hear my voice get louder and, finally, in exasperation, I did the ultimate, and threatened him with a spanking. We both went silent. Feeling totally awful, I crouched down to him and said, “Do you see what you are doing? You know you are not allowed, and you are insisting even if you know M’mère won’t let you do it, no matter how much you insist. And now M’mère has to scold you, and she doesn’t like having to do that!”
This very sweet young man looked down at the floor, then back up at me, and with a glimmer of a smile answered, “But I know even if you do scold me you still love me anyway.” Oh yes, that merited a huge hug!!
The party tomorrow (umm...later) starts at 10 AM. Daddy was planning on having a BBQ for all, and the weather is not cooperating. It’s pouring outside now, and won’t let up until Monday. Who cares? The whole family and many friends will be there, the house will be filled with excited, running rug rats, and we’ll all be SMILING!!
Sending one your way – hope it helps your day!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
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