I can’t find my camera...the nice one that the kids gave me for my birthday last year. I’ve looked high and low to no avail. When not in use, it always sat on my desk, snug in its little box together with the necessary adaptors to download pictures to my computer.
I realize that my office has been changed around more than once during the last 6 months. It became Bird’s bedroom...where all my stuff was moved out and his moved in. Then it became my office again...and was rearranged once more when the movers carried in some filing cabinets and a second desk that I needed to make my work space more efficient. In fact, I fear that is the LAST time I can remember seeing my camera. And the thought that maybe this is the reason I can no longer find it is not sitting well.
I was alone here when the move was being done. Most of the office equipment, furniture, and boxes upon boxes of documents were stacked in my garage for storage...until whatever can be sold will be removed, and documents filed. Two of the four movers carried the cabinets and desks upstairs and, under my direction, put them in their designated places. Later, still unloading the truck, and at different times, the men asked to use the bathroom, which is also upstairs. I agreed, of course, but was intent on seeing that certain boxes of documents be placed for easy access...so I let them go up on their own. One must pass by my office to get to the bathroom. My camera sat on the desk just inside the office door. It would take all of 2 seconds to grab that little box and hide it inside a shirt.
I really, really hope that I am suffering memory lapse... that I find the camera here somewhere...later on...when I’m looking for something else. The owner of the moving company is an acquaintance, and I’m wondering if I should mention it to him. I have no proof, and the disappearance was noticed only a couple of days ago when I wanted to take pictures of our snow....two weeks after the move.
Losing the camera is already a bummer. What upsets me most is the potential loss of the many pictures of Bird, and my rug-rats, that I hadn’t yet copied; memories that can never be recovered if the camera is really gone.
Okay. No use dwelling on it, is there? Worse things could happen, and there is much to do yet before the family-friend invasion for the big day, so I’ll put disturbing thoughts in the back of my mind for now.
There are beautiful, huge flakes floating down past my windows as I write this; it will be a white Christmas after all...and that makes me SMILE!!
Sending out huge ones to all of you, and wishing you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
We'll Koolcat, I guess you hit the nail on the head. Never let a stranger alone in the house. I had the experience and so did my brother. Remember the mentality of the guys working at ME. Certains avaient des casiers judiciaires. C'est choquant en titi. Why not mention it to the boss? He knows his crew and who they are, thieves or not. J'espère que tu la trouvera en fouillant ...Kilroy
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