I am finally beginning to see the living area floor beneath the multitude of banker boxes piled here, there, and everywhere. Trying to fit a 10 station office into one room requires much planning, shifting...and a short, easily portable step ladder! With desks and filing cabinets and MORE boxes piled high in my garage, there is just enough space for my truck and grandson’s car.
There have been numerous hours of careful filing involved. While packing in the city office, I discovered too many documents that had been left lying around here, there, everywhere in drawers, in out-boxes...anywhere but in the cabinets where they belonged. I was aware that the regular employees had been handing off most of the drudge of filing to the temp workers. Obviously no follow-up had been done to make sure the job was completed. It made me realize that I am NOT a good employer – way too soft and/or too negligent to keep order. I’ll never go that route again. Anyway, there was no time to do it while preparing the move, so I have more than one case labelled “Pending”. It’s a mix and match of paper that I’m slowly getting into the proper folders. The plus side is that I have found things that I’d feared had carelessly gone the way of the shredder, AND, now that it’s in its place, will be available when needed.
Together with that task, there is the regular paying work to be done. Of course, there are the extra 3 hours per day no longer needed for commuting, so I figure that, once things are caught up, I’ll have it made!! What’s more – I don’t even have to change from my pyjamas to do my job! How do you beat that?
In spite of the fiasco of moving, I’ve had the privilege of meeting my dear friend, Kilroy, twice for a quick lunch. Always a pleasure, and too rare. Suzie will be coming up from Detroit this Friday to stay her couple of weeks over the holidays and I am looking forward to seeing her. She’ll be here to help set up the Christmas tree, something I’ve been putting off...telling myself there is no room until I’ve finished with the office stuff. The real truth is that Bird was always present for that activity...and it’s a little rough getting into it this year.
A note to my friends in Blogit – once again I have been lax in writing, and in commenting on your posts, but I do go in each day and read as many as I can. I can’t even promise, at this time, to post regularly myself, although I should, because when I do write, it seems to stabilize me somewhat. It interrupts the constant ‘one-step-at-a-time’ mantra that dominates my mind; a mantra that I can’t wait to figuratively throw out a window!
The snow (yes, we have some) is a blessing – I enjoy it so. Grump and I take our nightly walks just before turning off for the day. It’s wonderful how Mother Nature’s hand can soothe and calm emotions. No matter how the day has gone, by the time we come back into the warm house from our peaceful meandering along the bush road, you can be sure I’m SMILING.
Sending it out to y’all!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
You are now a lucky person, plenty to do to keep you out of mischief,
don't forget not to trust our mutual friend , not one bit.I hope that the chair that fell on your head did not leave you with a bump, or a headache
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