While I was at the office yesterday, the supplier dumped a load of firewood in front of my garage. The delivery is late. It had been scheduled at least two months ago, so that I would have plenty of time to bring it in before winter.
The Habs-Boston game was already playing; the temptation was too much, and I watched the first period before checking the weather forecast. Just as I feared, there is a bright, red warning indicated for our area. My demons are to return in full force by tomorrow, trailing loads of snow and freezing rain….and all that wood sitting outside!
I’m in the midst of packing in the city. Last weekend my garage, where the office equipment will be stored, was emptied of most of Bird’s house belongings. What remains needs to be shifted to make room for both the wood and the truckload of office furniture and boxes .There are two financial statements to prepare and tax remittances for three companies to be done – and all this by the end of the month! I was feeling slightly overwhelmed.
Then…grandson to the rescue! Fred came upstairs, doing his daily trek to fill my fire baskets, and told me that he is not working today, so will take care of bringing in the wood. He started the ball rolling. I grabbed the telephone and contacted my ex’s mom. She agreed to come by Thursday night and pick up the number of his metal tool boxes that have been taking up space for the past year. When my youngest son finishes work tonight, he and I will drive into the city. While he is manipulating the drill to remove wall hangings, counters, stalls and whatever furniture needs to be disassembled, I’ll continue packing documents. I counted on my fingers. There should be just enough time to complete most of the tasks…with a little help from my friends. (I love that Beatles tune!)
I’m kidding myself. There will NOT be enough time to get it done to my satisfaction…but the most important things will be handled. Time for a change of attitude!
There is wood to keep me warm; the daily 4 hour commute to work is nearly over; there is a greedy and complicated government forcing clients to keep me in a job, so I have a roof over my head. I don’t even need to get into the health, family, and friends thing to realize that I’m extremely lucky.
Speaking of family – I’m putting everything on hold to babysit my 3 little rug rats this Saturday. There’s the real priority!! I’m looking forward to all the giggles and SMILES! Sharing them with you!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Tout semble vouloir se tasser à ton avantage, et la chance d'avoir des proches qui peuvent t'aider dans tout ce brou ha ha . Il est grand temps que les bonnes choses commencent à rouler en ta faveur. Grand dieu ce qu'il faut être fort pour cumuler tout ce que tu peux brasser dans une journée.Le beau temps après la tempête, c'est ce que l'on te souhaite. Kilroy
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