The sun setting over my mountain
It was a wicked day yesterday, for more than one reason.
Rush hour was horrendous. Fortunately, I had already covered that area on the auto route BEFORE the truck dumped his load of bricks all over the road, resulting in more than one flat tire for the traffic behind and beside it. My drive took two hours; I can imagine how long it was before those poor folks made it home.
Because of what has transpired concerning Line, the atmosphere in the office was strained, with each of us trying to pretend that things can go on as before until her things are moved out. That is impossible for the moment, of course. I have no doubt that we’ll get past it and preserve our friendship – but it will take time, and much effort required on both our parts.
Reading all your comments about how I handled this…I’m feeling grateful, but also a bit of a fraud. I do have a forgiving nature, and I find that harboring anger and ill-will drains energy. Maybe I’m too soft hearted to become a business mogul, but I am not that easy of a push-over either.
There was a method to my madness when I asked the client to advise his CA that Line would be handling his account in the future. I knew the CA wasn’t happy with her. He had called to complain about her work just before she left for vacation. In defense of my employee, I had explained to the CA how she had been handling the business on her own during my long absence; she was likely overwhelmed with work, etc. He didn’t sound convinced.
It was a throw of dice. If the client even mentions the change, maybe the CA will tell him of his skepticism….or maybe I defended her too well, and he’ll say nothing. I feel that I’ve pushed back a little – I didn’t take it completely lying down. Whatever happens now is in hands larger than mine; there will be a reason behind it, and it will be for the best in the long run.
So, you see, I turned the other cheek, but not with as much grace as implied by all those wonderful comments I received.
I’ve been working most of the night attempting to make a dent in the heaps of papers piled on my desk. UGH! The eternal catch-up!!! Right now I’m going to grab a couple of hour’s shut-eye. The phone will start ringing around 9 AM, and I need to be lucid by then.
Off I go, but not without thanking you all again, AND sending you wishes for a great day There’s a huge SMILE with that; hope it makes things a little brighter!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
On dit que la revanche est douce au coeur de l'indien. je pressens que des petites flèches de sous entendus lancées au comptable qui tranquillement va mijoter tout çà, et qui sait, l'oiseau reviendra peut être au nid. N'arrête pas de penser autrement, that's the way you are. Continue d'écrire tous les jours, c'est ma tasse de thé. Kilroy
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