I had forgotten that it is all part and parcel of caring for a sick relative – the number of people who wish to spend precious time with the invalid. My brother has many friends, and we have family spread all over the country. It was great to see his face light up when one of his best buddies showed up last Thursday. He stayed with the Bird until yesterday, and my bro was still smiling when he left. This weekend my younger brother from New Brunswick, hopefully with his family in tow, is expected to come for the holiday. If Bird’s strength is up to it, he’ll be having his first chemo treatment on Thursday, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that he won’t be too sick to enjoy their company. He’ll be staying here, with the guests, and those are the moments when one is thankful for a roomy house! And no, I’m not going to mention housework... most of it is done with a lick and a promise anywaY.
The lease for the smaller office in the city has been signed. The move will be made whenever we find an hour to spare, unless we are fortunate enough to sub-let our present place before September. Financially it would be a boon, but adding that event to what is already taking place would be a hassle! I’ve been carrying documents home, which will permit me to work from the house except for the one day per week, when someone will stay with my bro as I do my 3 hour drive in and out to the city. Once again, because of my many absences and reduced staff, we’ve fallen behind. I’ve just accepted that playing catch up is the story of my life! I can’t count how often I take a deep breath and remind myself, “One day at a time!”
A bonus – Suzie is home!! She arrived Saturday from Detroit, and will be here for approximately two weeks. We spent a couple of hours chatting together on her first evening, and my, but it was good to hug that girl!! Even if we’ll only see each other off and on due to my heavy schedule (and hers - it being her hometown she is surrounded by family and friends during her stay), just having her around is good tonic.
That’s it for now, folks. Once again I want to thank everyone for their support. Bird asked me to say the same – he’s well aware that many are praying for him, and appreciates it. We both wish you a great day, and send you our biggest and grateful SMILES!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Content que tu es signé ton nouveau bail. Un poids de moins. Chanceuse d'avoir tant de visite chez vous. Achète un christi de gros jambon pour les nourrir, ce sera plus économique. Que veux tu, une femme populaire, c'est une femme populaire. Tu aimes le monde, c'est évident. Bonne journée. me...xxx
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