It‘s 4:30 AM, and the birds have a real concert going on out there. The beautiful weather we’ve had for the past few days means every window in the house is wide open, so the trills and tweets float in and around each room. Lovely. Perfect for early morning smiles.
I finally managed two full nights of real sleep – another reason to smile. The world is so much nicer when seen through eyes that are not glazed over.
The past two weeks have been centered in or about the hospital – every day - either hours travelling back and forth to it, or sitting waiting in it, or swearing at it…a lesson in frustration and patience. After conflicting reports from various doctors who were saying too much, yet too little, I once again had to resort to losing my cool and making nasty noises before they finally arranged a meeting with the head honcho – the lung specialist. That happened on Thursday. What was achieved? At least now we have the real diagnosis – it is non- small cell lung cancer, Stage 4, in both lungs. Bird has had one shot of radiation therapy, and will get another next Tuesday – to ease his pain and to help him breathe a little better. On June 30th, if the lung specialist finds Bird strong enough, there will be chemotherapy. None of it good news, but better than what we were told at the beginning of last week – that only two radiation treatments would be done, then….nothing. He’d be kept “comfortable”. No treatment to help him fight back. Acceptable for some maybe, but not for us. It has never been in our nature to take things lying down. Whatever the outcome, there will be a battle – it’s not over until the fat lady sings.
It’s needless to tell you that neither of us got a lot of sleep during this time. What is helping is the support and encouragement of so many people – Dawna and Malcolm who were here nearly every night for a week; Susie and Suzie who call every day; Line who is holding up the business practically on her own; Fran, whose presence does great things for my brother’s morale…and so many more. Not a day goes by without a note of encouragement from someone on Facebook, or an e-mail from my dear friend Kilroy, and the prayers and warm notes from members in my Blogit family. Bless you all – it makes such a difference.
Today’s plan is to dig into much neglected housework. My Cuban Friends will be showing up later to finish installing the long awaited vanity in my bathroom, and I promised Bird that I would make him cinnamon buns. I have a box of documents from the office to go through, and Grump needs attention too. A long walk and cuddles are on the agenda for him. Life does go on, and each moment is precious, even more so when we make it fun (I'm still trying to figure out how to get fun out of housework...)
I’ll be getting to it, folks. The sun is already peeking at my mountain, a beautiful sight that never fails to bring on my SMILE. I’m sending it out to y’all. A big, warm hug with that?
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
PS: I am in Blogit regularly – clicking and reading if not always commenting. I want to tell you too that Merkie-Margaret has finally published her book of poems. It’s on Amazon – “My Jingles – Merkie’s Muse”. My copy should be in sometime next week – YIPPEE!
1 comment:
We'll Koolcat, je ne sens pas de tristesse dans tes écrits, pourtant, çà me semble impossible de passer au travers de tant d'épreuves sans avoir une larme au coin de l’œil, mais c'est comme tu dis, tu n'est pas le genre to lay on your back very long. Une vraie anglaise, c'est un compliment que je t'adresse.I wish your bro. we'll.I'm sure that life is not easy for him. me. xxxx
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