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Sky Watch
The nuance of the sunlight at the closing of the day
Calls inspiration, inviting me to play
With visions of bright Angels watching over us again
The pastel colors of rose touching clouds of grey
I feel uplifted and renewed once more
With these celestial glimpses – riches we may explore
Are we not wealthy ? With these words I implore
You to join my meditation as we enjoy
The sacred evening ovation!
The gossamer clouds dance
Along the mountainsides
In ghostly gowns that trail
Wonderful wishes of music
Amuse me and I smile. Awe!
The readers on my family blog do not know the writer of the lovely poem above, but I’m sure Blogit members will recognize the style. Once upon a time we could read a new poem daily on that site. I lucked out by keeping in touch with the poet, who is no longer a member, and often I open my e-mail to find nuggets such as this one tucked within the newsy notes from this person. Okay, I admit it, sometimes I just write with a reminder that I haven’t read one for awhile, and within a couple of days of my hinting, a new one pops up, LOL! This uplifting gem arrived after I had posted my lament explaining my silence the other day. It will be interesting to see how many members can ‘Name this writer’ who, by the way, asked me to express warmest wishes for the New Year to friends in Blogit.
Watching the weather news, reading blogs of others, and being a snow-lover, I’m wondering if maybe I shouldn’t move down to the southern states! It seems that the Dunany Demons have decided to play their tricks away from home. In our great, white north we are getting fleeting spurts of the cold stuff, while there is centimetre after centimetre falling on our surprised, and not so prepared, southern neighbours. I’m sure Kilroy and Nautikos are among those who rejoice in the Demons’ absence in our area, but my toboggan needs a good run, and my mountain looks bare without its winter dress, so will somebody down there please send my Demons back where they belong?
It’s time to prepare for my trip into the city office, so I’ll send you all wishes for a fantastic day, accompanied by a huge SMILE. ...just because....
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
1 comment:
Il ne faut pas se tromper, j'aime l'hiver, ce que je n'aime pas c'est le trouble de m'habiller, me pencher et m'asseoir pour attacher ou lasser mes bottines de neige. Contrairement à l'été, on ouvre la porte et on est dehors.Je viens de sauver 5 minutes pour m'habiller et 5 autres pour me déshabiller. Beau poème, mais je ne reconnais pas l'auteur, est- ce qu'il s'appellerait Koolcat
Hey , on dirait que ton spring est crainker au bout, les mots sortent à profusion. C'est correct, je n'ai rien contre.Je viens de recevoir un Email de JM de Vancouver, ils sont sous la tempête de neige, personne ne va travailler. Je me dis que tu serais heureuse de l'avoir cette neige là. Çà va venir, çà va venir, ne nous décourageons nous pas.QED...xxx
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