“There has been no blogging for awhile.” Her tone was slightly accusing over the phone, a question disguised as a statement. There was no point in using my standard excuse of ‘lack of time’ with her; she knows one can make time, so I told her the real truth.
“I tend to write what I feel,” I answered. “The way it has been going lately, nothing I write would be very cheerful. Who wants to read constant whining? So I’ve been staying away from blogging.”
“Wrong!” she shot back. “When I read about your problems, it keeps me from thinking about my own for awhile. I sit and devise ways of helping you; thinking of what I can do...it’s a break.” She laughed, and so did I, then I promised to get back on this horrible laptop and insure that she gets her daily dose of ‘The Bush in Quebec”. I love that girl!
I know what she means. Not finding new posts on Kilroy’s blog for seven consecutive days had me really worried. There was no answer to my e-mails either, and when I finally gave in and called his home but got only voicemail, my imagination really went to town! I was planning on contacting his grandson (who doesn’t know me from a hole in the ground) in B.C. through Facebook (one of the benefits of that social site), when a message came in from another of his friends. Kilroy had fallen when playing tennis, had fractured his hip, and was in the hospital. Suspecting that I would be having blog withdrawal symptoms by now, he had asked this person to get in touch and give me the news. The next day I spoke to my dear crony over the phone, and I was pleased to hear that he was being transferred to rehab, was doing well, and can’t wait to get back to his game....and his blogging.
As for my own update...well, today is into extreme house cleaning. I have had to resort to re-mortgaging my house, after using up all my retirement savings, not only to keep things going, but mostly to catch up on various expenses, all this after the fiasco with my ex-partner. The evaluator is coming tomorrow. Because I had to reduce the office staff, therefore work longer hours, and with so much time spent in recent trips to the hospital for my brother, housework, which is not one of my talents to begin with, has been neglected. I can’t just throw things into closets and shut the doors fast; it’s one of the first places the evaluator will check out. Tonight it’s off to the airport; my son and Yoshiko are arriving back from Mexico, and I will drive them home, then bring back my brother who has been cat-sitting off and on during their week absence.
Tomorrow I will also call the vet and make the dreaded appointment. Bud’s condition has deteriorated; he is suffering now.
There is more, of course, but I’ll work it into future posts. Although the vacuum, the mop and the dust rag are staring malevolently at me, the hour is young and AC/DC is installed on the sound system...so I’ll get to it. Sunshine is predicted, and it will soon kiss my mountain good morning, and that sight always makes me SMILE. Sending it out to you, folks, with my wishes that you have a great, new day!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
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