Monday, August 5, 2013


The other day, someone mentioned seeing a monarch, and I suddenly realized that I have yet to see one butterfly this summer. There have been moths, the little brown ones who come and flicker around the porch lights, and even they are not as numerous as usual, but those pretty, colourful butterflies are not here. In past years, part of my summer pleasure was to sit on the gallery and admire them as they flitted to and fro. Granted, I’ve been spending less time out there this season, but I still find it odd that I have seen none at all.

I know the insect likes milkweed, and while walking the doggies, I have been looking for the plant. There seems to be plenty around, but without their usual visitors. Wild flowers abound on my property too, as well as in the immediate area surrounding us. The municipality confirmed that it does not spray for mosquitoes, and one only has to take a short walk at dusk to believe that. Those pesky creatures attack in droves, as do the huge deer flies. But no butterflies.

Sometimes things are right under our noses and routine will dictate that they go unnoticed. In this case though, especially since that conversation, I’ve been actively searching each time I am outside, and still have no positive sighting. I am beginning to worry. The monarch mentioned was seen about 80 miles from here.

I think I’ll put the question on Facebook . I’m curious to know if the absence is only in this bush, or elsewhere close by too. If there is a reason, and there is any way I can help correct it, I want to do so. It may be time for an Internet probe too, to discover if the problem is more widespread.

How about my readers? How is the butterfly population faring in your neck of the woods?

I’ll be watching for you answers, and hoping they are the right ones. In the meantime, I’m wishing you all a good Monday, with lots and lots of SMILES!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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