My first call came in this morning at 6:15 AM. I had been up already for an hour or so, and was in front of the computer, by now having read Kilroy’s blog, made my comments in Facebook, and was pursuing some posts in the Blogit writer’s site. When I spoke to my brother last evening, he told me he was not feeling too well, so the phone was on my little bureau by the bed…just in case. When I heard it ring so early, I immediately thought it was him, and I raced to answer it. My heart settled down when I saw the number on the caller ID. It was the nurse’s aid who was on her way to a client’s home in the city. It is the first day for this job, and she was having difficulty finding the place. I logged onto Google map and relayed more directions, then attempted to call the client to warn him that she would be slightly late. He didn’t answer, so I left a message on his voice mail, and I’m now waiting for one of them, the nurse or the client, to confirm that she has arrived, and all is well.
Later today I will be invaded by little ghosts and goblins – it’s our Halloween party, and there should be up to 20 weird beings gathered here. I’ve decided that my costume will be an ‘old lady’ – not too much effort required for me to dress up accordingly, LOL! My son and Yo are to prepare the bags of goodies for the little ones and, instead of pot luck supper, we decided to order a buffet. Most of us are rushing during the week, and having food made to order is one less hassle.
And there is snow out there! It’s no secret that I love the stuff, even if it does cause more work. Shovelling, mopping wet doggie tracks on the floor, carrying up wood….I’ll probably be complaining about all that later into the season. At the moment though, seeing the first layers of it lying here and there on the mountain makes my heart sing! For some reason, winter floods me with a warm, happy feeling. I’m not sure why – maybe it’s a flashback from childhood, the sleighing and skating and snowball fights. Or remembering kisses on the cold, rosy cheeks of my children, all bundled up in scarves and mittens, as we laboured at one of the many snowmen built during the years. Whatever the reason, anything that makes me feel that way is more than welcome!
In fact, I think I’ll pull on my boots and go take a little jaunt out there before it melts away. So, while reading this, folks, you can picture me running around in the yard with the doggies, pitching my first snowball, and you can be sure I’m SMILING! Here’s hoping your morning is making you SMILE too!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
1 comment:
S'il y a de la neige dans ton coin de pays, elle n'est pas encore arrivée ici, mais çà s'en vient, demain matin au plus tard. Contrairement à toi, la neige ne me fait pas rêver, elle me fait sacrer. Je n'ai pas encore mis mes pneus à neige. Il faut que j'y vois ces jours ci. Happy halloween.
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