Sunday, April 16, 2017



My brain is whirling with numbers and I am slightly fed up. Once again I have made the decision to slow down, to let go of some work. We’ll see if I can manage to do it this time. Well, after this weekend.

Because I was working, I’ve spent Easter alone with the doggies and my son’s kitties. They are under my care while he is in Japan. The oldest one needs to take pills every day, twice a day, so you can imagine the mini-battle going on here each morning and evening. Unlike dogs, who are usually fooled into swallowing the medication disguised in tasty treats, this cat waits until I let go of him, then spits out the offending object. And the process starts all over again. I hold him, force his jaw open while avoiding batting paws, attempt to shove the pill into his mouth without touching those sharp fangs, then hold his mouth closed and rub his throat and belly for a few minutes. When it seems safe, I let him go and listen for the sound of the pill hitting the floor, which happens 2 times out of three. The third time is what counts, and he keeps it in (or will have to give up breathing altogether!), so should still be healthy when his family returns from holiday.

Our youngest baby, my great grandson, Zack, is in the hospital with pneumonia. Big sister Léna is staying with her Mamie, my daughter, while Mommy and Daddy take turns keeping Zack company. Poor wee tyke; poor parents. I can remember going through that with my own son.  It’s scary and family support is very important during the ordeal. We all keep in touch to be updated. My son and his Japanese father-in-law went to a temple and asked Buddha that Zack heal quickly and well. My son is not religious, but he is very family-oriented and compassionate and decided that it could possible help, and certainly not harm, especially with his FIL being such a devout believer.

It’s still raining here, melting all the once-sparkling-but-now-dirty muddy snow from my hills. Actually, it is removing the snow and leaving the mud! Ah well. I’ll cheer up when I see the dandelions’ yellow heads dancing on those same hills in a couple of weeks. Canadian geese have already started flying overhead, and that’s a sure sign.

And speaking of Canadian, have you seen our hockey teams on a roll?? The Habs will be playing again tonight. I’m loving it, and because they won the last game, I’m SMILING!!

Sending that SMILE out to y’all, wrapped in a yellow ribbon and carried by a bunnywabbit!


Friday, April 14, 2017


It’s 4 AM and here I am, needing to be alert for the drive to work in a couple of hours, which is probably the exact time I COULD sleep. The house is quiet; my little Miko and her parents are on holiday in Japan; my youngest son and his rugrats spend most of their time with his new lady friend at her house now; that leaves my three doggies, my son’s two kitties, and me. I do miss the family, but this comfortable silence is also very welcome.

Both the office at work and at home are sky high with papers, stuff all to be done yesterday. I plow through so much of it during the day and most evenings, only taking timeout to watch hockey, but never seem to get ahead. I don’t even dare peek at what needs to be done for house cleaning except the bare minimum. When I have a brain freeze I pop into Facebook or Blogit to relax it a bit, a mental breathing through the nose.

My Mommy (the first pit rescue) has been having problems. She’s suffering from separation anxiety, badly. She ate through 3 of my walls, right down to the wiring and struts, even with my DIL trying to calm her down. I have been bringing her to work with me while waiting on the trainer to come back from vacation. We’re not sure what set it off, but when we take in rescues there is always the possibility of former trauma rearing its head.  I tried a crate, but she pulled a Houdini and escaped, hurting herself while doing so. She’s fine as long as I am with her or she can hear me close by, but goes into frenzy when I’m not around. The trainer I have chosen is young and cheerful and, from what I’ve seen so far, quite competent. Hopefully we’ll bring Mommy back to the confident, sweet girl she was up to a couple of months ago.

My health problems are resolved for the most part, and for that I am very grateful. No surgery required for the moment. The specialist was surprised when I hugged him, LOL! I came out of his office with the biggest SMILE!

That SMILE is still on my face, and I’m sharing it with y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.