Sunday, July 24, 2016


I was sitting there chatting with Helen (my ex-tenant and great freund), enjoying every minute of being surrounded by family and friends for our annual birthday party. Because the storms had come and gone, it was finally held in my youngest son’s backyard. It was a lovely, late afternoon. The smells from his home-made smoker where supper was cooking made our mouths water. A man came over and introduced himself; he was a co-worker of Miko’s daddy, and he was telling me how he appreciated the good humor and empathy of my boy. Momma preened, lol!

Suddenly he just stepped back and moved on. Odd, but oh well, his business, so I turned to continue conversation with Helen. My sweet Miko was sitting on my knee; she had headed for me as soon as I walked into the party and I selfishly ignored any attempt to lure her away. Then her daddy was in front of me with a birthday bag.

“Here, Mom. Open your present.” He said. He took Miko from my knee and handed her to the same man who had walked away from me just a few minutes ago. I reached for the gift, at the same time noticing that his wife, Yoshiko, moved in beside him with her cell phone camera. She is Japanese, after all (grin). In the bag was a beautiful framed portrait of his family, all of them dressed in Hab sweaters.

“Aw, so wonderful! Thank you!!” I exclaimed in delight.

“And your card,” he insisted. “Open your card.” I did as requested. I love my kids’ cards! On the outside it read ‘A long, long, long, long time ago...’ – then I opened it to the music of the Star Wars theme, and the message continued, ‘You were born. May the force be with you. Happy Birthday!’ I looked up at him and laughed.

“Thanks a lot!” The little bugger! I’m not THAT old!!

“Did you read it all?” he asked. I looked down – there was handwriting on the inside cover.  I read it once, then again, and then again. I’ll translate what was written in French:

For my Mémère! Dear Mémère – I know that your desire is to see us as often as possible, so we thought that a nice portrait of us could satisfy you for the moment. Because my Daddy can only start his new job on August 29th, and that new job is at Mirabel! You can take down the sheet you have on your fridge with your wish that we’d move closer, Mémère. We’re coming!!!”

I guess I don’t have to describe my reaction when the words finally sank in. I screamed, I jumped up and hugged my son and Yoshiko and my little Miko so hard, over and over again!! I think they began fighting to get away from me!! I do believe I had many around me sharing my tears of tremendous joy. They’re coming home!!! Not only will Miko be raised surrounded by family and friends, just as her daddy was, but I’ll be able to see her every day! Talk about a birthday present!!! I’m still tearing up as I write this – I’ve been waiting for it for so long, not only for Miko, but for her parents too. I know how much family and friends mean to my son, as it does to each of my children, and I’m just so darned happy!!

He had known since Tuesday, but had sworn everyone to secrecy. He wanted it to be a birthday surprise. His co-worker who suddenly walked away? He admitted that he had nearly let the cat out of the bag by saying that he was going to miss working with my son now that he was transferred. He was playing it safe, LOL!

My SMILE is HUGE, and there is more than enough for everyone, so I’m sending it out to y’all. Blowing kisses with that!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Friday, July 22, 2016


Anyone who has been reading my posts will know the story of my applying to adopt a young female pit-bull, called Mommy, then ending up coming home with her and five of her 2 week old puppies.  It was the best of times and the worst of times. In spite of the extra work (and lots of that!), I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable and sweet experiences I have ever lived...until it was time to give them up for adoption.

Animal lovers will already know that each of those doggies had a unique character. Before I get into how much of a foster-fail I turned out to be, and because finally I can talk about it without a huge lump forming in my heart, I want to tell you about these wonderful, loving little creatures who joyfully invaded my life for too short a time.

There were nine squirming tiny ones in Mommy’s litter (her third one, poor baby), and the rescue group called them the ‘Alphabet’ puppies. The first name began with ‘A’, and the last with with ‘I’. The five I had were:

B – Bruno

C – Caroline

D – Dean

E – Elizabeth

G – George

It was hilarious – it took me at least a week to get their names straight. I called them all ‘Little poops’ and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you the reasoning behind my spontaneous dubbing.  I finally got it straight: Bruno and Caroline were one set like twins, both light brown with white and a little black. George and Elizabeth were the other set of twins, both black and white, like their Mommy. Dean was different. He was the biggest of the litter, a darker chocolate brown, with white stockings to his knees. He had a white chest and a white line on his forehead, with a large white ‘L’ on the back of his head and neck; a handsome fellow altogether!

My semi-basement apartment was empty, so the puppies were installed there in the kitchen/living room area, with gates on both doors to keep them contained. Blankets and toys and water bowls in place, I made sure Mommy could join them when they needed her. Each morning on rising, I would bring them upstairs to play in my kitchen/dining room while I washed the floors in their sleeping quarters. I would put them back in the apartment before leaving for work – AFTER washing the floor upstairs in turn. Coming home at night was the same routine. Up you come, puppies – wash the floor downstairs – let the puppies play and socialize – then downstairs again for the night. Before turning in I washed the floor upstairs again. Honestly, I felt like my mop had become a permanent fixture in my hands, LOL.

I was captivated. My next posts will be boring for those who don’t feel an affinity with animals, because, more for my own sake than to give the information, I need to describe and relish in the doing so, the how and why I became attached to each of those little blessings, and why it took me so long to get over letting them go.

For right now – our annual birthday party is tomorrow. It was to be held in my youngest son’s yard but, because they are predicting rain and his house is much smaller, it may very easily happen here. UGH – cleaning to do!! That’s okay. I’ll be rewarded with the presence of all my kids, grandkids, great-grandbabies and dozens of friends – a wonderful fun day in the making!!

Leaving you with a SMILE, folks!! This old lady has to get a move on!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


 2 AM this morning. Comfy as I was lying there cuddled by my beasts, I knew I might as well get out of bed and do something – there would be no more sleeping for the moment. The two ladies watch as I pull on slippers in the semi-darkness, but they don’t budge. They always wait. Experience tells them it could be just a bathroom trip, and I’d be crawling back under the blankets in a minute. Sam, as usual, sprawls down off the bed and plods along behind me. Whenever I move, he moves. Bandit was nowhere to be seen. He often disappears into another part of the house during the night, or goes off outside. He’ll greet us in the morning then snooze all day in my home office.

The ladies hear the coffee machine and come out to join Sam and me in the kitchen, yawning, stretching, and all three beasts head for the door. No matter what time I get up, it’s their first stop. They were slightly hesitant this morning. It was raining out there. They stop, look up at me. Do we have to? Yes, you do, so off you go. It wasn’t long before they were back, watching me through the window, willing me to look up and let them in. Eli heads for the couch with her chew toy, Mommy gets her ear rub then goes back to bed, and Sam follows me into the office, plunking himself down beside my feet. He’ll stay there until I move again, then will be right behind me. Maybe I should have called him Shadow, LOL.

I hear Eli bark once from the kitchen, then again. I get up and, Sam in tow, we go to check it out. Just as I thought, Bandit is in the window demanding entry. The doggies always let me know when he is there, either by a short bark or by hunting me up and bothering me until I go with them. We get each others’ signals.

I drop into Facebook, send thanks off to those I didn’t see last night, then my daughter hails me on private message. She starts work each day at 3 AM, and it’s rare we don’t have an early morning chat this way. Another reason to like the site; it’s ideal for very busy people who like to keep in touch during unusual hours.

SO... now Bandit is on my desk, strolling around in front of my screen, making this writing difficult. He’s purring out his night hunt, butting his head under my hands and along my chin. Sam, wanting a share of the attention, has just shoved his huge head onto my knee and is nudging from the other side. Back to bed, Mistress. We can all cuddle into one big, happy family!

Eli just came in, pushing her way to be closest to me – a female Bud, she is – so that’s it for this post. I’ll see if we can’t snooze for an hour or two before joining the chain gang. Sending out SMILES to y’all – probably full of pet hair, but certainly full of care!!

Luv from the bush in Quebec

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Great Scott! Three whole months to the day (night) since I have posted anything on my personal blog or in Blogit! I’m missing writing, and lately more and more, but I’m just so darned tired by the time I get home from the office...then I have the 3 doggies... and the King Bandit kitty...each very determined to show me what they think about spending the whole day alone and could we have some attention, please?

The ‘high season’ for moving in Quebec hasn’t helped matters; it meant working at least one of the two weekend days for the past three months. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy my job. I also like my colleagues. I don’t even mind the commute, seeing that most of it is through winding country roads and quite pleasant even if long. I’m terribly spoiled too, because my daughter comes into my house every couple of days and does housecleaning (3 dogs and a cat means washing the floors often) and she lets the beasts out to run around in their fenced yard while she does that, so it’s double whammy. Plus I am catching up on all those bills that accumulated during my ‘off’ years. Just the peace of mind is worth it.

I didn’t come in to complain. Compared to what others around the world are enduring, I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about. I’m sitting here safe in my bush, loving the green of the trees, the yellows of the brown-eyed Susan’s and dandelions; the white of lily of the valley; pure, cold water flowing from my well; sharing space with gentle creatures who think I’m a goddess (I especially like that part!); with friends and family calling each day to see if all is well.... So many would give up years to have what I have, and I wish that every person on this planet could have it! I’m not gloating; I’m just extremely grateful.

And now it is past midnight up here in my mountain, so I’ll practice a little wisdom and hit the sack or all those numbers I deal with will be just a jumble tomorrow. Wanted to say hi to y’all and to send you a HUGE SMILE, because no matter what is happening out there, I believe there is still hope, there is still love, and a SMILE is like a hug your face gives to someone else’s eyes.

From my face for your eyes!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.