It has been raining for two days, and this morning the wind is banging the tin roof and bending the trees nearly double. I’m astonished that the power is still on. Not complaining, mind you, but it usually takes much less disturbance in the weather before it is lights out around here.
My driveway is glare ice; even the doggies use the snow banks on the side to move around. It was an amusing sight to watch their attempts at skating before they caught on. There is no way my truck will make it down or back up without that hill being well sanded...which will wash downhill anyway in this rain. It wouldn’t be a problem except I have run out of dog food – the bag has been empty since yesterday morning. The hounds are quite happy, because I’ve been feeding them people meals; toast and chicken and cooked veggies, all mixed in with milk bone and their marrow bone treats. Needless to say I don’t have to coax them to lick their bowls clean!
The rug rats’ daddy is back from Alberta. None of us knew he was coming home until he got here, and I suspected immediately that he had quit his job out there; I doubted that the Company allowed a 3 week work period. My son confirmed it during a very short conversation a couple of days ago. It seems that, during his absence, his lady succumbed to burnout and has not been working either; something else of which none of us were aware. The rug rats were ecstatic to have him back, of course, and probably more so since he plans on finding something locally so that he can be with his family. Hopefully, now that he’s here, I’ll be seeing the boys soon. Any calls from them stopped immediately when Daddy left to go back out west the last time.
Ah – hydro has flashed off and on now more than once, so I’ll finish this up and post it before I lose it altogether. My water buckets are already full, and wood brought upstairs, so I’m actually ahead of the game. Practice makes perfect!
Another thing – so far the timing for power outages has been perfect. I haven’t missed one hockey game because of it yet, and that makes me SMILE!!
Sharing it with you, folks! Today it’s riding on the wind!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Grump and Smooch, 2 wicked Pit-bulls
It’s a bit more than just ‘chilly’ outside. Even the doggies were willing to come back in after a 20 minute playtime. I was well dressed, layer upon layer, but headed for the door when I saw them lift their paws one after the other. I knew they wouldn’t be the first to make the move. They don’t seem to know when it’s time to quit.
Pits are renowned for their endurance, for being tough. It’s one of the reasons that small children can crawl all over pits more than most other breeds, and the dog will not react other than a lick in the face. Believe me – I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. My golden labs, Ben and Beef, were both very docile, but far less willing to put up with poking children. Bud, my pit, whose expression scared every adult he ever met, would spend hours with my grandbabies and never even flinched when they did what babies do; pulling on ears, sticking fingers in eyes, even stepping on paws. My brother would say “no sense, no feeling!”, but he would also admit that any pit I’ve had the pleasure to own was ideal for little children. That breed just seems to have high pain tolerance.
Grump and Smooch were the same with my rug rats during their stay. Unfortunately, the boys had not been taught to respect animals – they learned on site, so to speak. I don’t know how many times I would tell them, “Don’t hit the dogs!!”, because that’s exactly what they would do when either, but especially Smooch, would get in their way. The weight of each pit is equal to the total of the 3 boys together. It could have been a very bad scene had the doggies not been so tolerant. They just wanted to play, and were quite willing to take many knocks while doing so.
I was the one shuddering when the vet was manipulating the huge blood blister hanging from Grump’s belly the other day (before his operation to remove it) because I know those things hurt. Grump stood there stoically, looking into my eyes.
“Ouch!’ I said. “Such a good dog. He’s not even moving, and that’s gotta hurt!”
“He’s a pit,” she replied with a smile. She handles all sorts of animals on a regular basis, in all kinds of situations. We both agreed that this breed has a bad reputation mainly BECAUSE of their qualities: extreme tenacity and loyalty, and very high tolerance to pain. Like anything (one) extreme, be it human or animal, if used the wrong way, it creates a problem; add the media frenzy, and the problem becomes a worldwide catastrophe.
The German Shepherds had their day, then the Dobermans, then the it’s the Pit-bulls. That is so damned unfortunate because, all along, the problem has been the people who raise these animals, not the animal itself.
My two beasties are presently lying by the fire, waiting on me to join them, to scratch an ear, or to just say a soft word, or even better, a cuddle. Their whole world revolves around mine, what I expect of them, what they can do to please me. Tell me, what more could a person want from a pet?
They’re my protectors, my best friends, and they think I’m the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Would that make you SMILE?
It makes me SMILE – and they’re willing to share – so up and away it goes....winging its way to y’all!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
It’s a bit more than just ‘chilly’ outside. Even the doggies were willing to come back in after a 20 minute playtime. I was well dressed, layer upon layer, but headed for the door when I saw them lift their paws one after the other. I knew they wouldn’t be the first to make the move. They don’t seem to know when it’s time to quit.
Pits are renowned for their endurance, for being tough. It’s one of the reasons that small children can crawl all over pits more than most other breeds, and the dog will not react other than a lick in the face. Believe me – I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. My golden labs, Ben and Beef, were both very docile, but far less willing to put up with poking children. Bud, my pit, whose expression scared every adult he ever met, would spend hours with my grandbabies and never even flinched when they did what babies do; pulling on ears, sticking fingers in eyes, even stepping on paws. My brother would say “no sense, no feeling!”, but he would also admit that any pit I’ve had the pleasure to own was ideal for little children. That breed just seems to have high pain tolerance.
Grump and Smooch were the same with my rug rats during their stay. Unfortunately, the boys had not been taught to respect animals – they learned on site, so to speak. I don’t know how many times I would tell them, “Don’t hit the dogs!!”, because that’s exactly what they would do when either, but especially Smooch, would get in their way. The weight of each pit is equal to the total of the 3 boys together. It could have been a very bad scene had the doggies not been so tolerant. They just wanted to play, and were quite willing to take many knocks while doing so.
I was the one shuddering when the vet was manipulating the huge blood blister hanging from Grump’s belly the other day (before his operation to remove it) because I know those things hurt. Grump stood there stoically, looking into my eyes.
“Ouch!’ I said. “Such a good dog. He’s not even moving, and that’s gotta hurt!”
“He’s a pit,” she replied with a smile. She handles all sorts of animals on a regular basis, in all kinds of situations. We both agreed that this breed has a bad reputation mainly BECAUSE of their qualities: extreme tenacity and loyalty, and very high tolerance to pain. Like anything (one) extreme, be it human or animal, if used the wrong way, it creates a problem; add the media frenzy, and the problem becomes a worldwide catastrophe.
The German Shepherds had their day, then the Dobermans, then the it’s the Pit-bulls. That is so damned unfortunate because, all along, the problem has been the people who raise these animals, not the animal itself.
My two beasties are presently lying by the fire, waiting on me to join them, to scratch an ear, or to just say a soft word, or even better, a cuddle. Their whole world revolves around mine, what I expect of them, what they can do to please me. Tell me, what more could a person want from a pet?
They’re my protectors, my best friends, and they think I’m the greatest thing that ever happened to them. Would that make you SMILE?
It makes me SMILE – and they’re willing to share – so up and away it goes....winging its way to y’all!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Smooch trying to convince Dora to play with him
Since December 21st, I have experienced 10 whole days without electricity = no running water. Once it was 3 days at a time, then 24 hours, or 12 hours, but never less than 4 hours in a shot, and it totals 10 days. One learns to leave the bath water in the tub (for flushing toilets), keep the kettles full, and to bring up wood from the garage on each trip you make. No – I won’t bother searching for a credit on my hydro bill.
My computer server has a backup battery, and its beeping woke me at 3 AM yesterday. My Dunany Demons are on a freeze kick; it was -36 out there! I crawled from beneath my blankets to rekindle the fires; one never knows how long the outage will last. It was off and on all day, then shut down completely while I was away picking Grump up from the Vet (he had a bleeding growth removed) so I scrambled once again to get the fires going when I arrived home.
With it so cold, people who do not have alternate heating must be going through a much harder time. We can dress in layers or cuddle up to keep ourselves warm, but pipes running through the house are another thing altogether. It’s expensive and annoying to fix when they freeze. Of course the power company does not reimburse you, nor do Insurance companies. Weather problems are deemed ‘Acts of God’.
My insomnia sure comes in handy – I need to refurbish the fires every 3 hours or so. The doggies are happy because I usually share the couches with them instead of going to bed. If it lasts too long, I bring Dora, my grandson’s cat, upstairs, to enjoy the warmth and the candlelight in our company. She and Smooch play...well, Smooch plays, and she does her best to ignore him, or will climb up somewhere and disdainfully stare down at the clumsy lout. Tonight they discovered one activity where they cooperated; Dora knocked a plant off its stand then, under her watchful eye, Smooch completed the job by spreading it all over my living room floor. The only thing they didn’t do was point at each other when I showed up, but I bet they would have if they could have!
Still....last night the moon, nearly full, reflected off the expanse of all that deep, white snow that covers my rolling hill and my mountain. I stood and admired the spectacular view from my window, and remembered why, in spite of the power nuisance, I have this love affair with winter.
Power is flashing again. I’ll post this then stoke up the fires and attempt another 3 hour snooze. Hopefully it will stay on long enough for me to get some work done tomorrow. I’m not strong enough to get the pull-cord generator started (I’m looking into buying a push button model) and I’m reluctant to bother some muscled dude unless I really, really need it. However, the HABS are playing the CAPITALS later tonight, so before I hit the sack I’ll put my neighbour’s number on speed dial......
I’m sure my team with win again...and that makes me SMILE!! Sharing it with you, as always.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Since December 21st, I have experienced 10 whole days without electricity = no running water. Once it was 3 days at a time, then 24 hours, or 12 hours, but never less than 4 hours in a shot, and it totals 10 days. One learns to leave the bath water in the tub (for flushing toilets), keep the kettles full, and to bring up wood from the garage on each trip you make. No – I won’t bother searching for a credit on my hydro bill.
My computer server has a backup battery, and its beeping woke me at 3 AM yesterday. My Dunany Demons are on a freeze kick; it was -36 out there! I crawled from beneath my blankets to rekindle the fires; one never knows how long the outage will last. It was off and on all day, then shut down completely while I was away picking Grump up from the Vet (he had a bleeding growth removed) so I scrambled once again to get the fires going when I arrived home.
With it so cold, people who do not have alternate heating must be going through a much harder time. We can dress in layers or cuddle up to keep ourselves warm, but pipes running through the house are another thing altogether. It’s expensive and annoying to fix when they freeze. Of course the power company does not reimburse you, nor do Insurance companies. Weather problems are deemed ‘Acts of God’.
My insomnia sure comes in handy – I need to refurbish the fires every 3 hours or so. The doggies are happy because I usually share the couches with them instead of going to bed. If it lasts too long, I bring Dora, my grandson’s cat, upstairs, to enjoy the warmth and the candlelight in our company. She and Smooch play...well, Smooch plays, and she does her best to ignore him, or will climb up somewhere and disdainfully stare down at the clumsy lout. Tonight they discovered one activity where they cooperated; Dora knocked a plant off its stand then, under her watchful eye, Smooch completed the job by spreading it all over my living room floor. The only thing they didn’t do was point at each other when I showed up, but I bet they would have if they could have!
Still....last night the moon, nearly full, reflected off the expanse of all that deep, white snow that covers my rolling hill and my mountain. I stood and admired the spectacular view from my window, and remembered why, in spite of the power nuisance, I have this love affair with winter.
Power is flashing again. I’ll post this then stoke up the fires and attempt another 3 hour snooze. Hopefully it will stay on long enough for me to get some work done tomorrow. I’m not strong enough to get the pull-cord generator started (I’m looking into buying a push button model) and I’m reluctant to bother some muscled dude unless I really, really need it. However, the HABS are playing the CAPITALS later tonight, so before I hit the sack I’ll put my neighbour’s number on speed dial......
I’m sure my team with win again...and that makes me SMILE!! Sharing it with you, as always.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
For as long as I can remember, Morpheus and I have been waging an ongoing battle. That elusive dream giver will show up right on time some nights, but I do believe he is aging, or maybe smoking some of that wacky tobaccy. More and more often he will forget where I live until quite late in the evening, then he keeps getting up and wandering off. Sometimes I wait in vain for he doesn’t make an appearance at all! Last night was one of those times.
I am used to this kind of thing, but I find that my ability to cope with it, at least where my work is concerned, lessens as time goes on, A drowsy, fogged mind is not ideal when trying to balance columns of numbers. I certainly appreciate being able to work from home; having to commute in that state would be downright dangerous! My fortune extends to the type of job I have too. Ledgers and journals don’t distinguish whether it is three o’clock in the afternoon or in the morning.
However, I just don’t FEEL like working in the middle of the night. There’s the slight problem that the clients I do have are quite chipper in the daytime, and I need to answer in kind. Or unplug my phone, not at all good for business.
So what DO I do in the middle of the night? I work a little; take care of some light housework (although that is restricted now that I have tenants living downstairs); read, write, reflect, wander around admiring or listing my wish-list of renovations to be done in my house, stand and gaze out the windows at the gorgeous view nature provides here, sometimes dress and take walks over silent snow-covered roads with the doggies – in short, I enjoy my quiet time immensely. If I could snooze whenever I needed during the day, I would be delighted with the night-owl status!
I know I am not alone. I hear about others who find themselves wide awake when they should prefer snoozing. Do they secretly relish it too, I wonder?
There is something about the peace, the down time, the absence of phone or knocks or being EXPECTED to be busy; your own little world where you bask in solitude...... until you get frustrated because you have to be up and alert the next morning!
The truth? It really doesn’t bother me that much anymore that I may not be so quick and bright in my activities, be it for work or recreation. I figure I’m getting things done, I have earned the time to slow down and smell the roses, and frustration is slowly easing its way out of my vocabulary. My calm, day-dreamy nights are worth it.
And that makes me SMILE. It’s genuine, and there’s enough to go around for all of us – so it’s up and away. It will be beside you in a tail’s shake!
Luv from the bush in Quebec.
I am used to this kind of thing, but I find that my ability to cope with it, at least where my work is concerned, lessens as time goes on, A drowsy, fogged mind is not ideal when trying to balance columns of numbers. I certainly appreciate being able to work from home; having to commute in that state would be downright dangerous! My fortune extends to the type of job I have too. Ledgers and journals don’t distinguish whether it is three o’clock in the afternoon or in the morning.
However, I just don’t FEEL like working in the middle of the night. There’s the slight problem that the clients I do have are quite chipper in the daytime, and I need to answer in kind. Or unplug my phone, not at all good for business.
So what DO I do in the middle of the night? I work a little; take care of some light housework (although that is restricted now that I have tenants living downstairs); read, write, reflect, wander around admiring or listing my wish-list of renovations to be done in my house, stand and gaze out the windows at the gorgeous view nature provides here, sometimes dress and take walks over silent snow-covered roads with the doggies – in short, I enjoy my quiet time immensely. If I could snooze whenever I needed during the day, I would be delighted with the night-owl status!
I know I am not alone. I hear about others who find themselves wide awake when they should prefer snoozing. Do they secretly relish it too, I wonder?
There is something about the peace, the down time, the absence of phone or knocks or being EXPECTED to be busy; your own little world where you bask in solitude...... until you get frustrated because you have to be up and alert the next morning!
The truth? It really doesn’t bother me that much anymore that I may not be so quick and bright in my activities, be it for work or recreation. I figure I’m getting things done, I have earned the time to slow down and smell the roses, and frustration is slowly easing its way out of my vocabulary. My calm, day-dreamy nights are worth it.
And that makes me SMILE. It’s genuine, and there’s enough to go around for all of us – so it’s up and away. It will be beside you in a tail’s shake!
Luv from the bush in Quebec.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Smooch, digging for his squeaky ball
Smooch sprawled at the end of the day
Grump is slightly more dignified
My Dunany Demons took a holiday yesterday. It was so mild; perfect conditions to rid the gallery of its mountains of snow and undercoat of thick ice. The recent regularity of heavy storms here had left me far behind on shoveling duty. After lunch, I put business on hold, and prepared to get the job done.
The doggies spun around me in excited delirium as I donned the appropriate outdoor apparel. They know my pockets hide the squeaky balls and they found I was taking too darned long to tie my boots. I had no sooner opened the gate and they were scrambling down the stairs, practically tripping over each other, eyes on the prizes. I had thrown the balls into the yard immediately on exiting the house. Their wild energy on the slippery, uneven surface of the gallery was high potential for injury.
I enjoyed the physical workout. Equipped with the proper shovels and scrapers and ice breakers, I took my time, chopping the pieces so they could be pushed under the railing instead of having to lift them up and over. Every 45 minutes or so I would take a break; sometimes forced breaks caused by my two companions who, even if they have acres of land to play on, insisted on running up and getting underfoot! It’s true that they kept losing their balls in the deep snow. More often than not all I could see of Smooch would be his back end and tail as he dug deep, attempting to extract his toy from a huge snow bank.
Grump had an appointment with the vet for 7:20 PM. Smooch is not used to staying alone, but I couldn’t find my second leash, and that dog is still vet-hyper, so home alone it would be. I sneaked Grump out the front, gave Smooch a toy, then ran down to drive my truck from the garage. Once outside, I called Grump, and called, and called....but he didn’t show. What was going on? He never fails to come when called!
I backed my truck as close to the wall of snow that I could, and climbed up onto the bank to see the front part of the house. There was my dog, standing on the galley.
“Hey! What are you doing? Come here, Grump!” I yelled at him. Nope. He wagged his tail, but he wasn’t moving. I started towards him and whump! I sank into the snow up to my butt. Grump sat and watched me struggle and wriggle to get free. Now I understood his refusal to come. My oldest pit likes his comforts; no way would he put himself in such a position. I glanced up at him; his expression was definitely a “Better you than me” look.
The end result was, after getting out of there, my boots and jeans full of cold, wet snow, I had to run back upstairs to let the stubborn mutt come inside and down through the garage, which of course upset Smooch who was being left behind, which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place!
Grump has 3 growths to remove, blood blisters that are unsightly but not dangerous unless they bleed. It was an in and out visit; just an analysis before the operation, and Grump is such a docile and obedient doggie, well loved by the people who work there. Within 90 minutes we were back home, comforting a worried Smooch, then the 3 of us vegged in front of a roaring fire.
Inertia set in early. The doggies opened an eye each when I left them sprawled on their couches and headed to my own bed. I snuggled deep under the blankets, sent up a heartfelt ‘Thank You’, and welcomed Morpheus with a SMILE.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Smooch sprawled at the end of the day
Grump is slightly more dignified
My Dunany Demons took a holiday yesterday. It was so mild; perfect conditions to rid the gallery of its mountains of snow and undercoat of thick ice. The recent regularity of heavy storms here had left me far behind on shoveling duty. After lunch, I put business on hold, and prepared to get the job done.
The doggies spun around me in excited delirium as I donned the appropriate outdoor apparel. They know my pockets hide the squeaky balls and they found I was taking too darned long to tie my boots. I had no sooner opened the gate and they were scrambling down the stairs, practically tripping over each other, eyes on the prizes. I had thrown the balls into the yard immediately on exiting the house. Their wild energy on the slippery, uneven surface of the gallery was high potential for injury.
I enjoyed the physical workout. Equipped with the proper shovels and scrapers and ice breakers, I took my time, chopping the pieces so they could be pushed under the railing instead of having to lift them up and over. Every 45 minutes or so I would take a break; sometimes forced breaks caused by my two companions who, even if they have acres of land to play on, insisted on running up and getting underfoot! It’s true that they kept losing their balls in the deep snow. More often than not all I could see of Smooch would be his back end and tail as he dug deep, attempting to extract his toy from a huge snow bank.
Grump had an appointment with the vet for 7:20 PM. Smooch is not used to staying alone, but I couldn’t find my second leash, and that dog is still vet-hyper, so home alone it would be. I sneaked Grump out the front, gave Smooch a toy, then ran down to drive my truck from the garage. Once outside, I called Grump, and called, and called....but he didn’t show. What was going on? He never fails to come when called!
I backed my truck as close to the wall of snow that I could, and climbed up onto the bank to see the front part of the house. There was my dog, standing on the galley.
“Hey! What are you doing? Come here, Grump!” I yelled at him. Nope. He wagged his tail, but he wasn’t moving. I started towards him and whump! I sank into the snow up to my butt. Grump sat and watched me struggle and wriggle to get free. Now I understood his refusal to come. My oldest pit likes his comforts; no way would he put himself in such a position. I glanced up at him; his expression was definitely a “Better you than me” look.
The end result was, after getting out of there, my boots and jeans full of cold, wet snow, I had to run back upstairs to let the stubborn mutt come inside and down through the garage, which of course upset Smooch who was being left behind, which is what I was trying to avoid in the first place!
Grump has 3 growths to remove, blood blisters that are unsightly but not dangerous unless they bleed. It was an in and out visit; just an analysis before the operation, and Grump is such a docile and obedient doggie, well loved by the people who work there. Within 90 minutes we were back home, comforting a worried Smooch, then the 3 of us vegged in front of a roaring fire.
Inertia set in early. The doggies opened an eye each when I left them sprawled on their couches and headed to my own bed. I snuggled deep under the blankets, sent up a heartfelt ‘Thank You’, and welcomed Morpheus with a SMILE.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
Monday, January 14, 2013
My son did show up here the next day around noon, but without the Rug rats. He hadn’t been idly letting things go, hoping that time would erase the problem between us, but had been doing his own investigation. Although we (mother and siblings) were not aware of it, his suspicions were on par with our own. Unfortunately, our deductions were well founded.
As Ciel commented, each of us is here to learn. Hopefully the lesson for my son’s lady will stay with her forever; you do not put down a friend, especially when you have so few of them, to save your own butt.
My children know me well; the lady didn’t realize that her sudden distaste towards me put them on high alert. Why was she so anxious to get rid of me? I was certain that I knew the reason, but wasn’t going to say anything to my son that would hurt him. In the end, I made the right decision. He found out on his own, and things are okay with the two of us again. He went so far as to tell me that he had his doubts all along but, because he didn’t want to believe it of his lady either, he waited for proof.
He has gone back to work, but for one month only instead of the two formerly planned. He has some soul searching to do and, ideally, his lady is doing the same during his absence. Relationships have survived this type of event, but both parties need to want it, and be ready to put the work into it. Only time will tell.
I’ll wait a couple of days before contacting my oldest Rug rat on Facetime. I imagine the children are feeling the tense situation all over again, poor little tykes, and it was this that my son was trying so hard to avoid.
Yes, it is sad, but I am no saint. If bad feelings have to be going around, I don’t want them to be between myself and my children. She did the crime, so she can do the time.
Mother and son are back, and that alone makes me SMILE.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
As Ciel commented, each of us is here to learn. Hopefully the lesson for my son’s lady will stay with her forever; you do not put down a friend, especially when you have so few of them, to save your own butt.
My children know me well; the lady didn’t realize that her sudden distaste towards me put them on high alert. Why was she so anxious to get rid of me? I was certain that I knew the reason, but wasn’t going to say anything to my son that would hurt him. In the end, I made the right decision. He found out on his own, and things are okay with the two of us again. He went so far as to tell me that he had his doubts all along but, because he didn’t want to believe it of his lady either, he waited for proof.
He has gone back to work, but for one month only instead of the two formerly planned. He has some soul searching to do and, ideally, his lady is doing the same during his absence. Relationships have survived this type of event, but both parties need to want it, and be ready to put the work into it. Only time will tell.
I’ll wait a couple of days before contacting my oldest Rug rat on Facetime. I imagine the children are feeling the tense situation all over again, poor little tykes, and it was this that my son was trying so hard to avoid.
Yes, it is sad, but I am no saint. If bad feelings have to be going around, I don’t want them to be between myself and my children. She did the crime, so she can do the time.
Mother and son are back, and that alone makes me SMILE.
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I saw it on Facebook.
“TKO” wrote my son, the daddy to my Rug rats. Someone asked him what it meant.
“A boxing term,” he answered. “When a boxer gets knocked down so often that even if he gets back up the other is declared the winner.” Another person asked him WHO was TKO?
“Me.” was the short answer...and that was all.
The mother-worry kicked in. I doubted he wanted to talk to me, so I sent his older brother a message. After a few texts and some conversation, all we could learn was that he hasn’t slept for 2 nights; he’s exhausted with whatever BS is going on; he was at a friend’s place (where his lady doesn’t go); he is the one with the boys right now, he didn’t want to talk about it, and he put off seeing his elder sibling until tomorrow at the airport (???) from where he is leaving for another 2 months.
Mother-worry morphed to mother-frustration, and I abruptly sent my own message. Was I going to see him before he left? Yes – tomorrow, not too late, he replied. Good. We’ll hopefully get to the bottom of this.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I suspect his lady is the cause. Although I fully expected there be eventual problems; I AM surprised that it happened so quickly. There is no ‘I told you so’ gloating to be done. I don’t need that kind of vindication. No matter what part he played in our disagreement, I only want him to be happy. When my kids hurt, I hurt.
In spite of this, I know he’ll be showing up with the Rugrats for his visit. I haven’t seen them for over two weeks, except for Facetime videos with the oldest boy. They’ll be here, all 3 little energetic bodies, with giggles and cuddles and sticky kisses.
Chock-full of gleeful anticipation, Memère will be SMILING in her sleep tonight.
Sharing it with you folks!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
A note for Blogit readers: I took your advice and did create another Blog, it’s called Stories from the Bush in Quebec, and I will post the “Letters to a Wayward Brother” entries there. This way I can keep my real ‘mischief’ apart from the imaginary stuff.
“TKO” wrote my son, the daddy to my Rug rats. Someone asked him what it meant.
“A boxing term,” he answered. “When a boxer gets knocked down so often that even if he gets back up the other is declared the winner.” Another person asked him WHO was TKO?
“Me.” was the short answer...and that was all.
The mother-worry kicked in. I doubted he wanted to talk to me, so I sent his older brother a message. After a few texts and some conversation, all we could learn was that he hasn’t slept for 2 nights; he’s exhausted with whatever BS is going on; he was at a friend’s place (where his lady doesn’t go); he is the one with the boys right now, he didn’t want to talk about it, and he put off seeing his elder sibling until tomorrow at the airport (???) from where he is leaving for another 2 months.
Mother-worry morphed to mother-frustration, and I abruptly sent my own message. Was I going to see him before he left? Yes – tomorrow, not too late, he replied. Good. We’ll hopefully get to the bottom of this.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I suspect his lady is the cause. Although I fully expected there be eventual problems; I AM surprised that it happened so quickly. There is no ‘I told you so’ gloating to be done. I don’t need that kind of vindication. No matter what part he played in our disagreement, I only want him to be happy. When my kids hurt, I hurt.
In spite of this, I know he’ll be showing up with the Rugrats for his visit. I haven’t seen them for over two weeks, except for Facetime videos with the oldest boy. They’ll be here, all 3 little energetic bodies, with giggles and cuddles and sticky kisses.
Chock-full of gleeful anticipation, Memère will be SMILING in her sleep tonight.
Sharing it with you folks!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec.
A note for Blogit readers: I took your advice and did create another Blog, it’s called Stories from the Bush in Quebec, and I will post the “Letters to a Wayward Brother” entries there. This way I can keep my real ‘mischief’ apart from the imaginary stuff.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
After receiving my text, my youngest son came by yesterday to gather whatever tools he had in the garage, the clothes still in upstairs’ dressers, and the multitude of toys that were taking up a good part of my living room.
Our conversation is stilted; emotions on both sides are still too raw to discuss his lady’s antics which so changed our lives and, unfortunately, our relationship, as well as that with his siblings. In an attempt to make amends, he told me he was leaving a few toys here for the future, and I dare say infrequent, visits from my Rug rats. He will be heading back to his job this weekend, and will be away for two months, but offered to bring the boys to see me before his departure. He mentioned that HE had put my number in the oldest rug rat’s I-pad. I didn’t tell him that the child has already contacted me several times with Facetime; I’m not sure the parents are aware of his calls. Whether his lady likes it or not, I do believe the boys are missing me as much as I am missing them.
Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against my son wanting to hold his family together; in fact, I respect his decision. I also understand his lady’s desire to return to her own house and her former way of life. I believe that I was the only one who realized how difficult the change was for her right from the start.
What I do detest is the sneaky way she accomplished her aims, and the havoc she created by being self-centered and unfeeling and a total hypocrite. Her subsequent guilt, whether she’s aware of it or not, continues to make it harder for everyone; she doesn’t want to face me. I have to admit that I agree on that one. For the moment, a meeting may not be wise.
She has never had girlfriends, only male ‘friends’, and the reason is clear; her pretty face and butt and defenceless act may pull the wool over a guy’s eyes (my son included), but the females see through it in a heartbeat...and steer away. Except females like me, who naively give the benefit of the doubt to most people, and who purposely ignored certain traits because I was determined to accept and love my son’s choice. There is, however, a limit to the concessions one can make, especially when you suspect they won’t matter in the long run. I am certain that my son will eventually get hurt, in a big way. But, as his older brother remarked, he is a man now, and will just have to deal with it. The only thing a mother can do is help pick up the pieces when it’s over.
On the other hand, one could say that I’ve got my house and my life back! I’ve been spending as much time with Suzie as possible, am again taking long walks outside with the doggies, and those slow, uninterrupted soaks in the Jacuzzi, and even languish by the fireplace in my living room which had been mentally reserved for the private time of my son’s couple. Being very lucky health-wise, I am confident that I’ll also manage the bad financial situation which they left behind in their abrupt and unexpected withdrawal.
I miss the sticky kisses and the chubby hugs and the giggles....and the noise and the squabbles and changing diapers...but not so much as I did during the first weeks. I’m enjoying my peace and quiet and the nightly silence of the monitor which is still on my bedside table.
I remember that everything happens for a reason; I accept that I’ve earned the relaxation and unfettered existence which is now mine. To top it off, the NHL will be starting on January 19th – and the doggies and I can cheer and dance to our heart’s content without worrying about disturbing anyone’s sleep.
How can I not SMILE?? Sharing it with you, of course! Sending a hug with that!!
Luv from The Bush in Quebec
Our conversation is stilted; emotions on both sides are still too raw to discuss his lady’s antics which so changed our lives and, unfortunately, our relationship, as well as that with his siblings. In an attempt to make amends, he told me he was leaving a few toys here for the future, and I dare say infrequent, visits from my Rug rats. He will be heading back to his job this weekend, and will be away for two months, but offered to bring the boys to see me before his departure. He mentioned that HE had put my number in the oldest rug rat’s I-pad. I didn’t tell him that the child has already contacted me several times with Facetime; I’m not sure the parents are aware of his calls. Whether his lady likes it or not, I do believe the boys are missing me as much as I am missing them.
Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against my son wanting to hold his family together; in fact, I respect his decision. I also understand his lady’s desire to return to her own house and her former way of life. I believe that I was the only one who realized how difficult the change was for her right from the start.
What I do detest is the sneaky way she accomplished her aims, and the havoc she created by being self-centered and unfeeling and a total hypocrite. Her subsequent guilt, whether she’s aware of it or not, continues to make it harder for everyone; she doesn’t want to face me. I have to admit that I agree on that one. For the moment, a meeting may not be wise.
She has never had girlfriends, only male ‘friends’, and the reason is clear; her pretty face and butt and defenceless act may pull the wool over a guy’s eyes (my son included), but the females see through it in a heartbeat...and steer away. Except females like me, who naively give the benefit of the doubt to most people, and who purposely ignored certain traits because I was determined to accept and love my son’s choice. There is, however, a limit to the concessions one can make, especially when you suspect they won’t matter in the long run. I am certain that my son will eventually get hurt, in a big way. But, as his older brother remarked, he is a man now, and will just have to deal with it. The only thing a mother can do is help pick up the pieces when it’s over.
On the other hand, one could say that I’ve got my house and my life back! I’ve been spending as much time with Suzie as possible, am again taking long walks outside with the doggies, and those slow, uninterrupted soaks in the Jacuzzi, and even languish by the fireplace in my living room which had been mentally reserved for the private time of my son’s couple. Being very lucky health-wise, I am confident that I’ll also manage the bad financial situation which they left behind in their abrupt and unexpected withdrawal.
I miss the sticky kisses and the chubby hugs and the giggles....and the noise and the squabbles and changing diapers...but not so much as I did during the first weeks. I’m enjoying my peace and quiet and the nightly silence of the monitor which is still on my bedside table.
I remember that everything happens for a reason; I accept that I’ve earned the relaxation and unfettered existence which is now mine. To top it off, the NHL will be starting on January 19th – and the doggies and I can cheer and dance to our heart’s content without worrying about disturbing anyone’s sleep.
How can I not SMILE?? Sharing it with you, of course! Sending a hug with that!!
Luv from The Bush in Quebec
Sunday, January 6, 2013
It was Pat_B who coined this date last year as the ‘Happy Bird Day’. Already we are at my brother’s second birthday since his passing. Time is no longer just flying by; it’s on a super-sonic jet. I’ve hardly seen its flight.
There was no family Christmas in my house, but the New Year’s Eve party was a hit. It had been a year in the planning, consisting of the same group that had been on last April’s Mexican trip. They showed up with their children of all ages, and together we rang in 2013 with style. I had been cooking for three days; it was great! I still haven’t finished cleaning up, but between that and shoveling the oodles of snow, it has been keeping me busy – always a good thing while healing emotions.
And Suzie is here. The girl has the knack of showing up when I need support – my personal human angel. She’ll be spending another week before driving back to Detroit, then from there taking a flight to join her husband and his family in Mexico. We manage to spend a part of each day together, and yes – we did celebrate her and Bird’s birthdays, although we left the tequila in the cupboard this year!
Today will be spent putting my home office in order, preparing for the return to work tomorrow. I need to find more clients if I want to avoid commuting back and forth to the city. I did manage to recuperate one of those I had let go, and that’s a plus. My grandson’s mortgage loan was not accepted either, so I don’t have to hunt for another good tenant– another plus.
I’m missing my rug rats terribly, but hearing about a friend’s month-old granddaughter spending the holiday fighting for her life in the children’s hospital certainly smartened me up. At least my three are healthy. That alone is a huge blessing. (As an aside, the latest wonderful news is that the baby’s condition has improved.)
So we change our frame of mind and enter 2013 with gusto – looking forward to each new day, seize every new experience, and we do it with a SMILE, a sure-fire way to lighten any load that may seem too heavy.
Sharing the SMILE with you, folks; it’s just too big to keep it all for myself!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
There was no family Christmas in my house, but the New Year’s Eve party was a hit. It had been a year in the planning, consisting of the same group that had been on last April’s Mexican trip. They showed up with their children of all ages, and together we rang in 2013 with style. I had been cooking for three days; it was great! I still haven’t finished cleaning up, but between that and shoveling the oodles of snow, it has been keeping me busy – always a good thing while healing emotions.
And Suzie is here. The girl has the knack of showing up when I need support – my personal human angel. She’ll be spending another week before driving back to Detroit, then from there taking a flight to join her husband and his family in Mexico. We manage to spend a part of each day together, and yes – we did celebrate her and Bird’s birthdays, although we left the tequila in the cupboard this year!
Today will be spent putting my home office in order, preparing for the return to work tomorrow. I need to find more clients if I want to avoid commuting back and forth to the city. I did manage to recuperate one of those I had let go, and that’s a plus. My grandson’s mortgage loan was not accepted either, so I don’t have to hunt for another good tenant– another plus.
I’m missing my rug rats terribly, but hearing about a friend’s month-old granddaughter spending the holiday fighting for her life in the children’s hospital certainly smartened me up. At least my three are healthy. That alone is a huge blessing. (As an aside, the latest wonderful news is that the baby’s condition has improved.)
So we change our frame of mind and enter 2013 with gusto – looking forward to each new day, seize every new experience, and we do it with a SMILE, a sure-fire way to lighten any load that may seem too heavy.
Sharing the SMILE with you, folks; it’s just too big to keep it all for myself!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec
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