Tuesday, October 27, 2009


When my daughter told us she had met a ‘cute guy’ on the internet, I was probably less sceptic than many. I have at least three very close friends who met their significant others the same way, not counting my cuz Wicked Wendy, who may never have found her Rob without the ‘net’, and he’s the perfect person for her. Sure, we hear horror stories, and one needs to be careful and do some research. I was still inclined to believe that cyber-initiated relationships have just as good, if not better, chance at lasting than those formed with the usual methods of wining and dining. Through written correspondence, you tend to glean a pretty accurate idea of character, unless the person is a downright schmoozer. Then, as in anything else, it is good to fall back on the old adage: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

As Shan’s interest grew, she wisely asked her ‘cute guy’ if she could be his friend on Facebook. Good move. Trying to hide your real identity in the Facebook community is near to impossible. That thing is like a small town! Someone is sure to know you, be related to you, love you, hate you, post some embarrassing humour about you, or put up the worst picture they can find of you…just for a tease. Everything K (the ‘cute guy’) had told her seemed authentic. He has been single for awhile, shared child custody, had a job, and enjoyed fun times with good friends. The picture he had put up on the contact site matched those shown on Facebook. On to Step 3 – the exchange of phone numbers.

A date and time was set for the call. My daughter giggled more than once over the dire predictions, complete with hilarious imitations, from her own group of cronies – no matter how masculine he looks, a high, squeaky voice would be a definite turn off, she was told. We all held our breath until the day arrived, and each of us waited impatiently until the call was over and she reported that he had sounded great, so there! LOL.

Step 4 – Because he lives a good distance from here, the actual physical meeting was set for two months later, and the countdown began. My daughter hangs out with a huge circle of close friends, many of whom she has known since kindergarten. Each morning she would post on Facebook the number of days remaining until the big event. We all got into the spirit of the thing, counting down with her. The infatuated couple chatted either by phone or Messenger at least once a day, and the plans were that he fly into the city, Shan would pick him up at the airport, and he would spend 2 days at her house. As the day loomed closer however, I began to feel a bit uneasy about it all. Mom was getting cold feet.

(Sorry folks – I’ll have to continue this later. I need to beat rush hour. Sending you a SMILE – hope it makes your day brighter!)

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


I’m forever telling the employees to be VERY careful when drinking coffee or other liquids at their desks...keep it away from the computers. Well, guess what I did last night? Yep. Put a cup full of nice, hot coffee in the wrong place, knocked it over and, although my keyboard was safe on its slide out drawer under the desk, the liquid doused the bottom part of my screen…. where all the little adjustment buttons are placed. I don’t just knock things over – they seem to jump up and away!! The result is that I have a large, red, immovable “brightness” rectangle right in the centre of my screen, blocking anything behind it, and no amount of button pushing or clicking will make it disappear. GRRRR! Does this mean a repair bill, or a new screen? Whichever, I guess it will be added to the costs of fixing the truck and the broken window….an expensive week to say the least.

I’m not sure what is going on lately – the stars are badly aligned? It just seems that work is more and more hectic. I got home very late every night last week, and was still having a hard time keeping up. I can’t believe that it’s all due to me slowing down. It’s more a combination of things, I guess. I stopped the anti-inflammation medication completely after being awakened by choking. It scared me mightily, I tell you. Usually one comes out of sleep with the sensation of nausea. Not this time. I was already up-chucking while still sleeping, and woke wondering what in hell was happening to me! Anyway, a nurse told me that this medication is dangerous for stomach hemorrhage, so there’s the end of it. I’m still doing the vitamins though, all natural products, and am pretty sure they play a huge part in me making it through the days right now.

5 hours later…………
Yep – it was a new screen. While writing the above, it turned completely black. I was writing in the dark. Off to the store I went, and the result is a larger screen – not a bad thing. I’ll hand the damaged one over to my puter-doc. If he can fix it, we can use it at the office.

I needed to stop in and see Suzie’s sister on the way back home, quickly shopped for a few groceries, then picked up my niece and her daughter; they were coming out to have supper with me. Heinz was working on the backhoe all day, and had arrived before us, so put on fires and cooked the roast afterwards – a nice treat. He is an excellent cook, and we enjoyed good conversation and a tasty meal. A fitting way to end a Sunday, don’t you think? I drove the visitors back home, Heinz went down to his own place, and now I’m relaxing with the doggies while the water runs into the jacuzzi, filling the house with the scent of Tamanu. Already it is 10:30 PM – another day just went racing by.

It has been an action filled week, and I have lots to tell you, but will break it into small stories and post it here during the next few days. Now is the time to hit the sack if I want to function tomorrow.

Sweet dreams, y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Monday, October 19, 2009


My son, Jo, was away hunting last weekend, so we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday. We gathered in my daughter’s new home around turkey and stuffing and all the traditional trimmings for the season, and the usual teasing and laughter made the day. My oldest, Bow, picked up Uncle Bird, who managed to eat and banter with the rest of us. Jo and May’s little lads, the youngest of the group, endured multiple kisses and hugs until they finally left around 6 P.M. Those kinds of days are precious. We all take time out of our busy lives to remind each other of what is important - a strong, healthy and happy family unit.

Yoshiko mentioned that her ‘old’ bachelor brother is getting married in January, so she & Bow are planning to attend, of course. I’m thinking maybe I’ll go too, if there is any way I can swing it. The wedding is taking place in Taiwan. The problem is that we’ll be in full tax season, a busy, busy time for the office, and I’m not sure that both of us can be absent at the same time. This is going to take some strategic planning!

On Saturday, after shopping for the turkey, I joined Rey & Susie and their boys in their home in Ste-Sophie. We went for supper in a restaurant in Pointe-Claire (where we waited over an hour for a table in spite of reservations!!), then on to the airport to greet Rey’s mom who was arriving from Cuba at midnight. The last time I saw her was in 2001, and she hasn’t changed one iota!! What a beautiful lady she is! She’ll be in Canada until mi-January. We all piled into Rey’s 7-passenger vehicle, and arrived at Ste-Sophie around 2:30 A.M. It was dark when I picked up my truck to drive home, and the damage to the front end was only noticed the next day. OUCH! Someone obviously backed into it (Rey’s driveway shares a small bar parking lot), and there is a huge hole in the front fender. Fortunately, I have a Honda garage as a client, but it still is going to cost a couple of thousand to get that repaired. To add insult to injury, Heinz was staining my large French thermal windows, and a gust of wind sent one of them crashing onto the gallery. It shattered – and, due to the weather, will need to be repaired immediately; at least a $250 job. Damn! Any more weekends like this one and I’ll have to get a second job, LOL!

Shyanne, my little grandniece, turned 11 yesterday. I was unable to see her then, but will stop by Julie’s tonight. The poor little thing is living through her parent’s difficult separation at the moment, which is never easy for a child.

It’s now time to do the rush-hour run to the office. We have a big week ahead, and my energy level is not at its highest right now. I’m back on the medication for my sore legs, and it gives me constant nausea. Ugh! My doc should be arriving the second week of November. Hopefully we’ll be able to figure out what is wrong. I’m really not good with pain.

Have a great sunshiny day, folks! It’s frisky out there, but refreshing if you dress warm. Sending you all a SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Thursday, October 15, 2009


This whole month feels like tax-time. I seem to be running when I hit the floor in the morning, my brain still pedaling when I finally get to bed at night. It’s a never ending game of ‘catching-up’. Granted, winter is busier on the home front. There’s wood to bring in, ashes to take out, more cleaning with the doggies tracking in muck, etc., etc. One also has to consider the hours lost by sitting in traffic on the journey back & forth to the office. Then again, there are the three new companies, which means more employees, which, in turn, brings more action. Mind you, I’m not complaining. We see enough people each day desperate for a job, and I realize how lucky I am to be working. Probably much of it has to do with age. I used to be able to handle full days, then go out and dance my tail off in the evening. Not anymore. My idea of a good time now is sitting by the fire, glass of wine in hand, doggies at my feet – or stretching out in the Jacuzzi. .LOL! My mom would never have believed it!

The Dunany Demons sprinkled a few snowflakes last night on the drive home. It reminded me that it is time for snow-tires. I usually have them installed by October 15th each year. No-one living in my area would try getting through the winter with four-season tires, and that BEFORE the new law made the change an obligation! I hear my friend, Kilroy, is still roaming around on his bicycle. How do you winterize that mode of transportation? LOL.

My son, Jo, is back from hunting empty-handed. His lady, May, is at home on maternity leave now. Bow will be leaving for Florida in a couple of weeks for a golf holiday. Yoshiko is saving her vacation time for her next visit to Japan, so won’t be going with him. And my daughter, Shan, will be heading down to Mexico with some friends in early December. She turns 40 this year, and both her and her best friend, who is the same age, are planning to celebrate their big 4-0’s in the sun together.

I’m going to post this just to let you know we’re still all alive. Other than that, I would scrap it, because reading it over, I find it extremely boring! I had nothing to say, and said that quite well, didn’t I? LOL.

On the road again…off to the city. Take care, everyone – practice your SMILES, and enjoy the frisky weather!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


My nice computer doc finally showed up yesterday morning (early!), waded through the mud outside, then spent 2 hours working on my machine and voilĂ ! I nearly kissed him as I paid him – I was that happy. The borrowed laptop I’ve been using to feed my cyber-addiction is one we purchased for training. Unless it is hooked up to the central server at the office, it is extremely limited in what it can do. The keyboard is much smaller too; my fingers seemed way too large, and there was constant backspacing to delete surplus letters which just appeared out of nowhere. This morning I breathe a sigh of relief…I’m back in my element.

It was a crazy, hectic week. I would crawl into bed late at night, numbers running through my head, then be up at 4:30 AM and they were still there. One thing I did do last Saturday (it has been that long since I last blogged in here!!) was put everything on hold, and read my book, Roots. Thanks to all those whose advice leaned that way, lol. Actually, the book being thick, I spent a lot of Sunday doing the same thing. Then, of course, I paid for it by playing catch-up in the days that followed.

Two of the stagiares said their goodbyes on Friday. They are heading back to their studies after practicing in the real world. One of them, a nice little lady from Peru, gave me a pretty souvenir ashtray, made in her country, as a farewell gift. The other, a tall, graceful lady from Haiti, offered something completely different.

During a lunchroom conversation, a discussion about the trials of life had prompted me to mention an admired Blogit writer, Muley, who wrote that our enemies could actually be close friends from our previous lives, sent here to help us learn a needed lesson. There were mixed reactions; sceptic from a couple, thoughtful from others, and agreement from my Japanese daughter-in-law. I noticed the tightening of lips and slight shake of head from the Haitian stagiare, she who always bowed her head and said silent grace before eating. She was too shy to argue in words, but her expression left no doubt about her refuting such beliefs. I suspected that she was very adamant in her religion, whatever it was, and she proved it by handing me two printed tracts as she was saying goodbye. The cover page on one shows a clear picture of hell, complete with fire and brimstone; the other has lights streaming down from what is obviously heaven. I thanked her politely, assured her that, yes, I do read the bible, and wondered if I should try to convince her that spiritualism does NOT mean denial of God’s existence. I imagine I’d have wasted my breath. Her stance was telling me that only her religion saved souls. She meant well, so I accepted her gesture. To each our own. I couldn’t help laughing though when, at the end of the day, Yoshiko (my daughter-in-law) stood by my desk, glanced down at the pictures, then politely asked me, “So which one are you, Mom? The devil or the angel?” Then with a small smile, “I guess it depends on the day, huh?” I just love that girl!!

It’s Saturday, the sun is shining out there on my mountain, and I’m off to enjoy it while it lasts. My Dunany Demons whispered that there’ll be snow next Friday…already. Time flies whether we’re having fun or not, so sending you a big, warm smile and sincere wishes that y’all have a super day!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Ahh...I’m a new woman! I do like my own hairdresser, but she is so far away from the city it was a hassle to keep my appointments. Line, my co-worker, had used the one downstairs from our office and, although the lady’s social graces leave a little to be desired, her work is fine. I decided to try her out, and yesterday slipped away for an hour to let her do her stuff. I have hardly any fashion sense at all, therefore usually depend on the eye and knowledgeof those with experience in the field. Hair should be darker for the autumn, she told me. So now I’m back to being a brunette (my original colour) instead of a redhead, and the hair is slightly shorter. I have had no comments other than “you’ve changed your hair?” from Yoshiko, but I think I like it. It always takes me a couple of days to absorb the change.

My puter doc will be repairing my own machine next week. This laptop is limited in its functions, and takes too much space on my home office desk. I’m looking forward to getting my own computer up and running again (damned Explorer 8!!!). There are stories and articles saved in there - my plans to stay home and make money with my writing – which I am unable to access and which still need alot of work before any attempt at publishing. Things are put on hold again. Ah well, everything happens for a reason. It must not be the right time for revision, or I will be needed for an extra year or two in the business, or I am going to win the loto and buy a small helicopter to overcome the drudgery of traffic...... Ya see? An imagination like mine should be used to good advantage, LOL!

I was planning on going into the office today to catch up on some work, but I can’t seem to get my mind in the proper set for it. It’s dreary, foggy weather out there...perfect for curling up with a good book (I’m reading “Roots” again) and doing the escape thing. Will I go? I know that once I start the work, I’ll get into it and time will fly past. I’ll end up feeling as if I’ve accomplished something, instead of the guilt for having spent all that time only reading. Maybe I’ll find a coin and flip “heads or tails”. Let Lady Luck make the decision. If I win, and get to stay home, I’ll flip again to determine if I do some badly needed housework, or let everything slide and dive into the book. An interesting way to cop out, don’t ya think? To be continued...

However you people are spending your day, I hope you’re enjoying it. If it helps any, I send you all a big SMILE. It’s difficult to stay bored or angry when we’re smiling, so let yours shine!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I arrived home too late,then was too tired, to watch the season’s first Canadian-Leaf hockey game last night. It had been a long day – I was in the office from 6 AM, and by 21:30, I was practically sleep-walking. I wonder when I’ll learn that I just can’t handle those long hours anymore? Anyway, “vive le net” – because I checked out the write-up on the computer this morning and was happy to learn that the Habs won in overtime. I imagine that my son,Bow, is smiling ear to ear. I wonder if he called his Uncle Bird, who is a big Leaf fan? Each winter they banter back and forth and, with both of them being quick on the tongue, some of their remarks are hilarious!

Even at the late hour, the traffic on the 15 was still heavy last night. The good thing is that it kept me awake – you have to really pay attention. You can be rolling along, jiving to your music, then,bang! Brake lights in front! ARRG! Most of the time I am very patient, but it now seems the drive back and forth to the city is more difficult. It should only take an hour, but more often than not it lasts from 1 ½ to 2 ½ every day.... each way. To avoid it you leave the house before 5:30 AM, and sometimes that isn’t even early enough; the end of evening rush hour is anybody’s guess. It’s never the same time from day to day. Still, not much use beefing about something you can do nothing about, right?

The fires were lit in both the boxstove and the fireplace when I arrived home, so I was able to relax with a glass of wine, the doggies curled up on their over-stuffed cushions at my feet, the only sound the crackling of the wood...and Bud’s snores, LOL. Heinz came upstairs for a few minutes to see if the fires were going okay, then went back down to watch his TV. He’ll be doing his whole course nearby instead of Quebec City as planned, so will be around to help with the wood, the snow, etc.. That’s not a bad thing, especially when you drag your tired butt home and the house is warm already. It was much appreciated.

I’m still in slow mode this morning, and now need to prepare for another jaunt on the highway, so will wish you all a good day. There’s a big, sleepy SMILE going out with those wishes...hope you pass it on!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.